Dr. Sabrina Strickland - Orthopedic, Sports Medicine Surgeon in New York City

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I am a sports medicine surgeon specializing in knee and shoulder surgery at the Hospital for Special Surgery. Although many patients come to see me after a knee injury playing sports such as soccer, basketball or skiing, others come due to pain in everyday activities such as walking down stairs. Common injuries are ACL ligament tears, patellar dislocations, or meniscal tears related to sports; however, a lot of patients also come to see me who have never played sports. I find it very rewarding to help patients return to their favorite activities – especially those who have been told by doctors that there is no further treatment available (and in many cases, have had a number of unsuccessful surgeries and continue to suffer). In these instances, I find misdiagnosis is common or that the previous surgical treatment was incorrect and I have great success helping patients who have otherwise given up hope.

I live in New York City and am the mother of three girls, currently ages 13, 13 and 15. Because I live in New York City it is difficult (for me) to exercise outside, so I go to rowing classes, spin classes, barre classes and lift weights, but my favorite sport is skiing. Our family spends every winter weekend at Windham Mountain in the Catskills where my girls have ski raced for the past 6 years. In the summer we go to Mt. Hood (the glacier in Oregon) to ski and then to ski camp in November in Colorado. Our time out west is somewhat limited right now because of local ski races, however, we try to go out west a couple of times a year. The rest of the year, my kids are all focused on different sports. One participates in travel volleyball. A second plays soccer on a travel team and my third daughter swims competitively.

I went to college at Cornell University majoring in Psychology while doing my Pre-med requirements and worked at Stratton Mountain over the holiday breaks as a Ski Instructor. I subsequently spent a year skiing in Crested Butte, Colorado, and then went on to Medical School at Rush in Chicago, did my internship at Cornell/New York Hospital and Residency and Fellowship at the Hospital for Special Surgery. I find that I have an incredibly interesting job during the week and then find my weekends filled with many kid’s sporting events where it seems to come in handy quite often that I am an Orthopaedic Surgeon.

Please call or email my office if you have any questions or concerns. We have a great team including two athletic trainers and a nurse practitioner who played college soccer, so I think we are very empathetic to the plight of our patients whether it is an athletic injury or pain that is limiting activities of daily living such as walking up and down the subway steps.

I’d be honored to discuss your situation and see how I might be helpful to your needs.

Sabrina M. Strickland, M.D.
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