Does More Warcry Mean Less Kill Team?

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I'm finding that Warhammer Age of Sigmar: Warcry is becoming more and more interesting to me, but is it because of the hobby opportunities, gameplay, a slow down in Kill Team releases. or something else?

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Kill Team kind of shot itself with the rule expansions. Here’s commanders! Cool. Here’s a tournament game BUT YOU CAN’T USE COMMANDERS! Here’s Elites and now it’s a mess! Here’s the Annual that undoes errata and makes rules unclear!

I’d like to see a Kill Team 2.0 that rebalances stuff, integrates the parts together more properly, improves the campaign. War Cry feels like what they learned from the mess they made of KT, but now KT is all but cast adrift.


Took me 4-6 attempts to teach my friends KT and they still don't get it. It took 1 attempt of WarCry and they love it. It's way easier to get into.


Warcry got me to start actually playing the game, I went from buying models to paint for DND to playing the game and now I am building an AoS army as well!


We've been playing and filming Warcry since launch, and have probably played as many games as anyone, (and far more than the vast majority of people) and still love playing. The variety of missions and win conditions add a lot complexity and tactics to missions which people underestimate. Looking forward to seeing more content!


I started this hobby with killteam, and i love being able to by a box of a faction and have a playable team. I recently picked up warcry so now i can start painting the cool AOS minis.


You’re killing me with this. I had convinced myself I did not need Warcry. And now a year later you give some really good reasons for me to doubt that position.


"Shiny syndrome!" Guess that's not a condition that I suffer from. I'm still playing Space Hulk! Thanks for the video, Uncle Atom!


Really glad to see you've re-evaluated Warcry and are giving it a go. Initially when I heard about Warcry I thought it wasn't for me however after reading the rules I did a full 180 and realised the simplicity of the rules was a hug bonus for me as it meant I could introduce newer non gamer friends, I could get my head around the game quickly and concentrate on playing rather than looking up rules and I also liked the "buy a warband box - play it" entry.
I now love the game and I really like how theyve expanded it with optional stuff rather than layer on more rules.
Looking forward to seeing your coverage.


Played Warcry since release, introduced all the family to it, including my grandsons. They all love it, we have a weekly warcry battle report on YouTube too.


You can find all the rules for each army on Battlescribe.
You still may want to pick up Tome of Champions 2019 though, which updates the campaign rules.


Honestly, I hate to say it, but Kill Team rules need a revamp, hopefully with the next 40k edition of rules. It is all very broken up over so many rule sets, and injury rolls for example are super clunky and confusing.


Warcry is so great. So easy to get into, pick up and play. And the models are gorgeous.


I'm glad you are enjoying Warcry more. As someone who loved Mordheim this has helped scratch that itch and it got me back into the hobby after years away. I'm super excited about the new Skyrim game, hopefully you will review it!


I played KT once, i had a real pro tournament 40k player who was really nice and taught me and another friend, but there were so many "weird" rules that were so alien to AoS that i had played once or twice before, as well as from other games i play (mainly Asoiaf), like the weird "save wound" roll and shooting and charge. The game was fun, but only because i love playing boardgames/wargames with friends. Same thing with Warcry, but there the rules are "not in the way" cause they're so easy they don't distract from just rolling dice and having a good time over a few beers!


There is a link to Warhammer Underworlds if you consider that some of their minis can make the crossover as mercenaries in Warcry. Grashrak's Despoilers gives you a bray shaman, Eye of the Nine gives you a magister, Thorns of the Briar Queen gives you a tomb banshee, etc.


Thanks for sharing your thoughts on Warcry, Mr. Perchow! (BTW, my 9 year old has only watched one of your vids and he's already copying your mannerisms). There is much more to say on this subject. Like when Warcry was released, GW described it as a kind of Kill Team for AoS, which it clearly is not. It's closer to Necromunda, because it has, as you say, a specific setting with specific new factions and what I would call 'low intensity' warfare, unlike Kill Team where each warband/team is a facsimile of the main Warhammer 40, 000 armies and the whole thing is generic and a bit bland to be honest. What I and I think a lot of hobbyists really want and have done forever is an 'Inquisimunda' style skirmish game. Necromunda (the classic version) was used as the nearest best thing, then Shadow War Armageddon (which was classic Necromunda with minimal changes to support more generic W40K factions), then Kill Team (2018 version), but as I say it still doesn't quite give us what we want. Specifically, why is there no 'cultist' force list for Kill Team? I've spent a lot of effort trying to collate all the different bits that have been published for Kill Team in various media (expansions, PDF downloads, White Dwarf articles) to try and assemble the kind of factions I want to play - Warp Cultists, Machine Cultists, Mutant Cultists, Traitor Guard, Inquisition, Rogue Traders. Anyway, the point is that Warcry is much closer to what we want for W40K (inevitably someone in web-land has of course adapted the rules directly for W40K), in my case I have instead taken it as inspiration in what I call 'Project Warcry', creating a Kill Team setting and factions on the world of Bloodwind III, "in the spirit of Warcry", with factions like the Steel Golems (Traitor Guard), Star Lords (Starstriders), The Unforged (heretic Ad.Mechanicus), you get the idea. Oh, and regarding the rules being "simplistic"... shame on you, you're experienced enough to know simple is always better and certainly what I always strive for when designing games. I am absolutely sure that it is Jervis driving the design of Warcry (he was excited about it last time I spoke to him, a couple of months before it was released, although he couldn't give away any details), he, like most of GW, seamlessly moves between W40K and Warhammer so it simply represents the best and latest of where they are from a game design POV. And it should be said that the boxed starter is probably the most exquisite games package GW have ever produced, or at least one of the top ones. OK I've said enough, sorry for rambling, and we haven't even mentioned the quality of the miniatures, and the fact that The Unmade truly breaks new ground in being arguably the first truly grim and dark faction GW has produced - again, much closer to 'Inquisimunda'. We can only hope that the pendulum swings and the next skirmish game GW put out will be something like Warcry for W40K. In the meantime, yeah I agree with you, it's a difficult choice - Warcry (fabulous in every respect, except it's Age of Sigmar not so great) vs Kill Team (a bit generic and bland, wrong factions, not gritty enough, but it's in the W40K that we all love). I suspect GW are very happy with this hobby dilemma - they want people to follow both worlds if possible!


This is why I've been loving Monsterpocalypse and why I'm getting into Warcaster when it comes out. Smaller forces means the ability to do more variety of things. Instead of spending a year painting one kind of model I get to do wildly different things and have them contribute to the same game.


I just ordered my first start collecting box for Sigmar the other day to start getting a small army going, super excited to try it. I've always been interested in this style of game but have never tried it, heck, I've never painted a figure before. Recently my friends have all moved farther away so I'm hoping to get out and make some new friends, once we can, and learn a fun new game! If all goes well I might even get my step son to have some interest in it too, he likes playing Gloomhaven with me.


Warcry is so fun. I was commissioned to paint a Warband a few months ago and after seeing what gameplay was like I made a Warband for myself and had so much fun. Recently was able to get the starter set for myself from a local store lol.


I love Warcry and Kill Team. They've been my go to games for the last 2 years. I do play Warcry more because I'm more of a fantasy guy and I prefer the simpler rules. AoS is still my favorite game though. but I've been playing a lot of Rangers of Shadow Deep and Solo Frostgrave because of the situation we are living through were my local store is closed, and social distancing.
