Are There Enough Wives to Go Around?

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In today's day and age, it's nearly impossible to find a woman who has not texted a naked photo of herself. Does that make them "unworthy" to be a wife? I don't know that we deserve much of anything, to be honest, but this isn't how marriage should be framed. It's not about who "deserves" to get married; it's something people ought to do.

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I agree with Pearl on many points. but Michael convinced me, the answer isnt "make divorce as easy for men as it is for women" its "make divorce as difficult for women as it is for men"


There are "not enough women" to go around, and there are also "not enough men" to go around. What I mean by this is that finding someone who follows Christ, has integrity, lives his or her life committed to holiness is a rare thing for either gender. That doesn't mean that we shun the idea of marriage. It simply means that we pursue God, practice patience and self control, and live a life of integrity until we find someone who shares our passion to serve the Lord. If you put your trust in God instead of statistics, He will fulfill the desires of your heart.


Im just tired with this narrative as if the average man is of good quality and marriageable. There’s enough good men and women to marry each other. The rest have their misery to blame on themselves honestly


I dont think pearl has ever said anything positive about women.


My testimony: After being an atheist for 8+ years, and "married" to another female, I got the urge one day to say out loud "IF there is an Almighty God that does NOT wish us pain or sorrow, please bring me truth, I wish to know you exist". Then God immediately started bringing me the answers I had been searching 8-11 YEARS for! I witnessed Him take control of my internet and the rest of my reality; He first proved to me that demons exist (I called them "inter-dimensional beings"), then He proved His own existence, which I later found to be Jesus Christ. As soon as I found Jesus at the end of 2020, He IMMEDIATELY took away my transgenderism, bisexuality, depression, daily suicide attempts, self harm, bulimia and anorexia; and He did this all without me asking Him to, because THAT'S how merciful and loving He is! Praise God!😊

No, I'm not lying or trolling, and I'm not a robot.


Feel like asking her if she deserves to be married.


She's annoying, repeating her first few words over and over and over and over until she gets to speak.


Isn’t she single, unmarried with no children? Is she wife material? Hmm. 🧐


Why does Pearl keep going back to saying that "the average woman" would be a bad wife? I basically agree with that statement, but what's her point? You're not going to get married to a statistic!!

A man marries ONE woman who will have her own particular set of virtues and issues. The man will also have some virtues and some flaws, and the couple will sort it out from there.

It will be a stumbling block to men, if you all spend this much energy lamenting the degeneracy of "the average woman" instead of bettering yourselves to attract the woman that you want to love and serve in marriage.

I think Pearl also makes an idol out of the idea of having a perfect wife. Your spouse will have problems and will be tainted by original sin no matter what. When you accept that, and accept that a marriage is work, it will free you from the expectation that just getting married to the perfect trad wife will solve all your problems. Only conversion to Christ can solve your problems guys, not a trad wife.


I hate the fact that we talk about love and relationships as if its a marketplace.


So there's no redemption or grace for women that have a past of being in sexual immortality?? The question should be, is she still doing Only Fans, not have you done it. Pearl also groups every woman together and that isn't true. I could also be extremely arrogant and say "I talk to a lot of women that want a traditional marriage and hold to Christian values", that doesn't mean there aren't people out there that have opposite desires.


She needs to learn how not to interrupt and interject when someone else is trying to make a point.


Michael is saying that it is POSSIBLE for a repentant OF girl to make a good wife. Pearl is saying it is highly PROBABLE that an OF girl will not make a good wife. Both are correct, but Pearl's advice for men is much less likely to destroy their lives.


I honestly think that you just need to find a normal person.


I think onlyfans/adult work can be similarly addictive to women as porn is addictive to men. Women get addicted to the attention and money, while men get addicted to the nudity. Both will need to recover/heal before they can have a successful traditional relationship.


Michael, I never took a naked selfie even just for myself, let alone send it to anyone. I am not stupid-1. 2- I have a mirror. 3- my husband has eyes, so no need to send him anything he can see live. That is to your point of can you find a woman who never took her naked picture. Though I am 36. Maybe younger girls really photograph everything


Redemption is a gift offered to everyone through Jesus. I man who was an alcoholic, coke sniffing, whore mongering atheist can be redeemed through Jesus when he has that road to Emmus moment. I was. I now have a wonderful angle of a wife and 2 fantastic children and spend some time helping people find Christ. These only fans girls are absolutely redeemable through Jesus if they are genuine in their hearts and seek to help others from making their mistakes. If the own it they can be in the arms of Jesus . That isn't to say that people should forget their past but it's about moving forward. The Samaratin woman at the well was basically an onlyfans girl.


Michael Knowles this woman is not a good Catholic


Where sin abounds, grace abounds all the more.


I thought both Andrew and Michael did terrible job with these interviews. Which was even more frustrating because it's so easy to catch Pearl in nonsense. She's not very smart or educated, she doesn't understand statistics, her views are incredibly simplistic, biased, incoherent and illogical. You guys should learn for example from The Council of Trent here on YouTube, he did a much better job debunking Pearl!
