eating dinner at a convenience store in Korea

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I'm sorry but my main takeaway from this video is that some Korean convenience stores have perry the platypus shopping baskets. Someone please put a little hat on it


Hi I’m not Muslim but my friends have an app where they scan food labels and the app will tell them if it is halal or not.


FYI, Samyang brand in Korea is not certified halal. The halal certified fire noodles are only being sold for export internationally. If you realised, the ones in Korea doesnt have the halal logo compared to the ones in US or other countries. Husnuzon I don't think she knows. Best to check for Halal certified logo or use google translate to check the ingredients if you're travelling.


Sister you must be carefully for your meal in Seoul korea, and you must read ingredients in your meal become you buy, just translated all ingredients. (햄, 돼지고기, 라드, 알코올. = Ham, pig, lard, alcohol)


We got our son to check with google translate when we were in Korean convenience stores. However in Busan we learnt that not all vegetarian labelled food was that as some products still had animal traces in it.

For halal food try Itaewon though I wasn’t that impressed by Eid restaurant. Co-ex mall has a Turkish restaurant which was good. Even better, we discovered an Indian restaurant by chance in Insadong and honestly their biryani and chicken tikka was to die for. I can’t tell you the name but it’s on the top level after walking up some stairs.


I struggled in Korea, the pink cup noodles are not Halal they contain pork and I was shocked


How do people just go and buy things just like that? I'd be reading those ingredients for hours


Please create a video chatting about your experience as a hijabi muslim visiting Korea. Really curious about this.


As a fellow muslim sister here, pls pls check if the products are halal. I found out the hard way when i bought samyang cheesey noodles from a k mart where i live and found it contains pork. I almost hurled. Get the ones with the halal sign. I dont buy samyang if there is no halal sign as they contain pork. Found out the hard way 😂

also I tend to avoid Korean drinks and food unless I am sure they don't contain pork or alcohol or even meat that is not processed in a halal manner. It is so hard 😫 because i do want to try them all! I think they are some apps or website to check if products are halal but I'm not sure how reliable these are.


Be careful, some broths and snacks have meat extracts/flavors that are not halal.


Wow ! Korean subscriber here. So happy to see yoy visit korea❤ have a nice trip


I’m so jealous of people who don’t have an eating disorder and can eat pretty much anything I’d kill to be like that! Sometimes I go days without eating but still watch cooking videos it’s super weird! I’m going to try and make one of these recipes a week/biweekly to see if it will help her recipes look like thinks I think I would like especially her baking! It’s funny I love food but can seem to feed myself sometimes I think it’s a form of punishment for the things I’ve done wrong!


the pink noddels in korea and japan and asian countries in general is with pig meat
i hope you double check anything you before you eat it .
even the pink chips is with pig meat flavor


I hope one day to visit South Korean
I really love culture, the food, and just how beautiful the country side can be with nature.
I hope you enjoyed your trip, meanwhile I’m going to live through you 😉☺️ 🥘


u are stunning & Korea welcomes you!!


Allahumma baarik may Allah protect you


I am so glad i stumbled upon this video. I really needed to hear this. It’s helping me in my new walk with God. I am focusing on healing and learning to love genuinely as God does. Only just love is genuine. So those who love him truly, he seek him, can deliver such love.

Thank you for this video. God bless y’all ❤


Okay, those noodles in Korea don't have the halal certification, cause they ain't gonna be sent internationally, but rather be consumed in Korea, so the certification isn't required. But those creams and more in the bread, alot of ice cream and so much more are not halal. They have pork stuff in various different forms


How are you not a model. You are the most beautiful woman I've ever seen. To be honest there are no words to explain or express how beautiful you are.


This showed up on my feed at the right time. Thank you for sharing your wisdom with us.
