[RESULT - Blind Test II - Best Speakers]Diamond 12.2 Bronze100, Reserve R200, LS50M, Audiolab 6000A

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This video is a sound comparison among Wharfedale Diamond 12.2, Monitor Audio Bronze 100, Polk Audio Reserve R200 and KEF LS50 Meta with Audiolab 6000A.

This is the result of Blind test II.
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Other sound comparison videos

0:00 - intro
1:11 - All the way up / Electronic / by Hadar Sopher
1:51 - Bedroom / Soul & RnB, Pop / by Raquel Castro, The Wildcardz
2:34 - Boost Your Power / Rock / by CustomMelody
3:32 - Chemtrails / Cinematic / by Semo
4:23 - Get Ready / Cinematic, Rock, Pop / by Midnight Noise
5:13 - Higher Love / Electronic, Pop / by Ben Fox
6:29 - Is Leroy On It / Jazz, Acoustic, Retro / by Southside Aces
7:27 - Pull Me Closer / Electronic, Pop, Hip Hop / by WEARETHEGOOD,
8:40 - Punkd / Cinematic, Electronic / by Out of Flux
9:41 - Seasons / Cinematic, Classical / by ANBR
10:51 - Star Night / Acoustic, Rock, Pop / Wonderland
11:41 - Time Traveling / Soul & RnB / Sarah Kang feat. Anthony Lazaro
13:15 - Crash and burn / Death Metal / Kissing Candice
14:40 - Magic Show / Death Metal / Kissing Candice
15:37 - Fields / Acoustic Guitar / Livio Bartolo
18:22 - Outro
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Wharfedale 12.2 best clean, transparent yet easy on ear. Pleasing joy.


Warfedale always impress me with such even smooth response and realistic sounding instruments and vocals very musical and so natural sounding, not as flavored as the others as to impress initially but more satisfying for extended listening.


Wharfedale for me. Not the most analytical but what a personality and complexity wow!


In this combo is the Bronze 100 imo the best sounding speaker. More open, full-bodied and natural.


They are all good speakers.
LS50M has a dominant mid range, a little colored to my ears.
Polk R200 sounds like British speakers, warm, and lack of high extension
Wharfedale 12.2 sounds neutral and musical
Monitor Audio Bronze 100, V shaped + warm sound, interesting


I want to congratulate you and thank you for the tremendous job you did.
After listening to the video carefully, I can say that, according to my ear, the most complete and balanced sound is the Polk, second by flat sound the Wharfedale


Thanks so much for this. I've had my eye (and ears) on the Bronze 100s and this gave me a great comparison to some other bookshelf speakers against those. I thought the Monitors sounded the best, BUT I was pleasantly suprised by the Polks as well, followed by the Diamonds. The Metas sounded horrible, IMO. Thanks again, and just subscribed!


KEF sempre mais quente e completa, MA sempre trazendo a sensação do "AO VIVO" com ótima definição dos BUMBOS/KICKS, POLK mais comportada e delineada, Wharfedale menos fatigante e sempre fina/delicada


Long listening sessions: Wharfedale;
Fine detals: Monitor Audio


Very close contest. However, am going with Bronze 100 for that extra clarity and 3D kind of sound. sure shot purchase


Monitor Audio Bronze 100 Win this round....


to be honest they all sound great to me, but for the price the Bronze100 and the Diamond12.2 get the award, they are a few hundred pounds in the UK cheaper than the R200s and nearly 750.00 cheaper than the Kefs. That alone they get my thumbs up.


E Project you did a great job
My only guess was B speaker, which of course was true.
In my opinion, the winner of this test is the POLK speaker
According to my taste and ears I like it`s sound more than the others and I can say that it has the most complete and balanced sound.
Although I have Monitor Audio Bronze 500


Well, I wasn't far off. Choosed Monitor primarily for better bass presence. Meta was close, but a (too) forward midrange and less bass. R200 in general good and Wharfedale after.

I think the Monitor fooled me somewhat because of the bass. I have the combo Audiolab and R200 and bass in this demo seems a bit less powerful or different vs my experience at home.

I don't get why people arque over this (see comments) or pet their own shoulder what's the best, etc. Sound is subjective and YT demo's only give an impression, but not the whole story. Relax and enjoy guys.


Nice test. I'd like to see a blind test between some of these more upscale budget speakers and truly inexpensive speakers like say the Sony SSCS5 or Dayton Audio B652-AIR ✌️


I suggest testing Wharfedale Diamond 12.2 vs B&W 607 S2 or B&W 606 S2


It looks like a victory for Monitor Audio. Also, I'm not different from the average listener for choosing B. That "right at your face" sound is actually what people, including me, like the most.


I thought (but wasn't prepared to say, ha) A MA B100, B Meta, (both brighter sounding) C R200, D 12.2 (both balanced sounding but D not as good as C. (2 from 4)


I've listened to this demo several times can't stand the Kefs... so big nope

Monitor audio are okay, but midrange is just way too! boosted to my ears

Now something I notice with both the Polks & Whatfedales is a nice warmth & clarity, but interestingly they sound about the same, the sound quality is almost non-discernable, if I listen to them & close my eyes & just listen

Kefs veiled muddy sounding & boring

Monitor Audio clear, clean midrange, but a ear fatiguing sound quality over time

Liked both the Polk & Wharefdales equally about the same, nice sounding speakers easy on my ears, pleasing over multiple tracks.

I guess if my ears were only 20 yrs old, & not 62 as they are now, I would love The Monitor Audio, but not anymore, this is also why I never have liked the Klipsch either....


To my ears the LS50M are way more forward on midrange, treble is a little cut off. Honestly a little congested, specially on mid to low frequencies.

Diamond 12.2 seems to be the brightest ones to me. Perhaps the most analytical of the group. But also a little dry.

Very nicely balanced the R200 are. Very controlled. These seem like good overall.

But I am surprised by the Bronze 100. I've never heard Monitor Audio in person, but I really like how they sound here. These would be my first choice easily. These have some nice sparkle on the top end. Nice controlled bass and slightly recessed vocals. To me these sound the closest to listening to a band/orchestra. Just I like my speakers. I may have to start considering this brand after watching and listening this video.

In summary, for me it would be: Monitor Audio =>> Polk Audio ==>> KEF ==>> Wharfdale
