Learn English Prepositions: TO or AT?

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Do you arrive "to" the airport or "at" the airport? Do you fly "to" London or fly "at" London? In this lesson, I will teach you an easy way to know which preposition to use when. I'll explain which word refers to movement and which one refers to location. Watch this lesson so you can be sure – today and always!


Hi. I'm Rebecca from engVid. In this lesson you'll learn the difference between two commonly confused prepositions, which are "to" and "at". So, the thing to remember is that "to" always suggests movement or direction. All right? "To" with movement, you're going to someone, to someplace, or towards something. So, "to" is movement or direction, and "at" suggests a location in place or time. So, "to" something, but "at" somewhere. "To" something, "at" somewhere. Do you see the difference? "To", there's movement. "At", you've already arrived. Okay? So: "to" and "at". If you use those gestures it may help you to think through it while you're choosing which preposition to use.

So, let's look at some examples. So, as again... As I said, again, we use "to" for movement or direction towards a person, a place, or a thing. For example: "I talked to him.", "We went to school.", "She walked to her car." A person, a place, a thing. Movement, "to". Okay? All right, here are some other common verbs. There are lots and lots of verbs that we can use with this preposition "to", which implies movement. These are some examples. You go to someplace, you go to school. You go to the university. You go to work. You run to something. You fly to London. You return to somewhere. Okay? Or you can also use lots of verbs with "to" plus a person. You explain something to someone, send a letter to someone, read it to someone, write to someone, or speak to someone. There's a direction. Right? Whether you're speaking, or writing, or walking, or running - "to" is always movement and direction. Good.

Now, "at" is steady. Whereas "to" is moving, "at" is very steady. "At" stays in one place, "at" is location, location and place, location and time. For example: "We arrived"-where?-"at the airport." We drove to the airport, and then we arrived at the airport. All right? So: "We arrived at the airport." Or: "Wake me up at 6:00." So, again, it's a location or a place in time, or a physical place. All right? Got it? Now, here are some other examples of verbs that you can use with "at", but again, there are lots and lots of verbs. So what's really important is not to learn the verbs, but to learn how these prepositions are used and what exactly they mean. But here are some examples. We stayed at the hotel, for example. I live at... I work at... I eat at this restaurant. I shop at the mall. Okay? So, "at" plus place or sometimes "at" plus time. Call me at 5:00. Let's meet at noon. Let's start at 10:00. Okay? So we have "at", location. Okay? Arrival, and "to" is always movement or direction. Got that? Now let's do a little quiz to make sure that you really got it.

All right, now let's do the quiz. Now remember: "to" indicates movement and "at" indicates location or arrival. So, here we go.

"We stayed _______ home."
"at home" or "We stayed to home"? "We stayed"... In all of these cases you have to choose between "to" and "at". "We stayed at home." Okay? Stay somewhere.

"I spoke _______ Jack."
"to Jack", "I spoke at Jack"? What do we say? "I spoke to". The direction of your speech is towards Jack.

"She went _______ the bank."
"to the bank" or "at the bank"? "She went", so "went" is movement. Right? Think of the verb. The verb is talking about movement. "She went to the bank."

"I bought this keychain _______ the gift shop."
"to the gift shop" or "at the gift shop"? So here the answer would be "at". Very good.

Next... The next one:
"Meet me _______ the coffee shop."
"Meet me to the coffee shop", "at the coffee shop"? What do we say? "Meet me at", right? Because it's a place.

"The movie starts _______ 4:00."
"to 4:00", "at 4:00"? Which one is right? "The movie starts at", okay? We always use "at" for very specific times.

"We flew _______ Amsterdam."
What do we say? "We flew..." Flew, movement. Right? Flying is movement. "to Amsterdam", very good.

"I sent a card _______ my Mom."
Sending, is it movement? Yes. Sending implies movement, so for movement we have to say: "I sent a card to my Mom." Okay.

"She read a story _______ her son."
When you're reading, the activity is directed towards someone, so: "She read a story to her son."

And the last one:
"John studied _______ the library."
So, where was he? Was he in one place or was he moving? He was in one place, one location. All right? So we can say: "John studied at the library."

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You are one of the best teacher in the world.


Hello, Rebecca!
Hello, guys!
That's Agapi from Greece!

Another time that I have admitted your teaching way, Rebecca!

This is not only a simple and common lesson!
This is a lecture!!!
This is, in the same time, three things at least:
Presentation, Performance and Teaching!!!
(I believe that...you understand this, Rebecca!)

If you don't understand it,
never mind!!!
No problem!!!
all your students can
definitely understand it!!!
So we are all present!!!
Please, count us!!!

Wanting to express my gratitude, I declare my permanent presence!
I will be here, even when you think I am absent!

The best wishes...
Take care...
We are all here...


You speaks less as compared to other mentors on YouTube. But somehow your way of teaching is very convincing. I always find your lectures more helpful than any other. You always put much emphasis on delivering the basic concepts with less words which always remains in mind.


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I am a new (volunteer) ESL teacher. Today, one of my students asked me to explain the difference between "to" and "at" and I am embarrassed to say that I was at a loss for words. You have explained it perfectly! I will commit this to memory and use it in my next class. I really enjoy your teaching style. I have a feeling you will be my go to person going foreward when I need to clarify grammar. Thanks so much for your videos!


You are the best teacher I've seen on YouTube, you explain the lessons very well. thank you!😊


these small details that makes our english skills raise de bar, thank you teacher rebecca.


I'm from Ukraine. In my opinion, you explain everything simply and easily. Theory and practice together are a great idea. I am always looking forward to your new lessons.


I really appreciate the "fill in the blank" questions that she writes on the board & she includes a trasncipt along with the info. This is top tier learning material.


one of the best teachers that I have seen in my life!


I'm from Poland . In my opinion you are the best teacher I've ever seen on the Internet. Your lessons are amazing. Thank you❤


You are one of the best teachers in the world 🌍 ♥️


Ma'am, I am a Tamizhan from Tamilnadu, India.I have seen a lot of videos about English grammar.But, your the best English teacher among the English teachers.Congratulations.


I can't tell you how much I like your lessons. You are awesome! Thank you!


Rebecca is the best teacher whenever I've seen before.
Thank you for teaching!


I just love you! You're a great teacher! Thank you for your help! God bless you and your family!


Mrs. Rebecca is surely one of the best English teachers in the world. Her very didactically and very, very specific, and clever way to teach English is simply expressed wonderfully. Now I like to learn English so much more than before. I appreciate Mrs. Rebecca very much and like Mrs. Rebecca as my unforgettable English teacher very, very much. I am thanking Mrs. Rebecca very much. God bless her forever. Orhan Baki from Germany.


Your teaching style is beautiful. I feel, that I am face to face with you, thanks Rebecca for this feeling 😍


That is how slow and steady wins the race ... East or West Rebecca is the best ...you cleared many doubts of mine that I had in my mind related to "to and at". God can't be everywhere so he created MOM and Rebecca is like my MOM who has been nurturing millions around the world for long.


Thank you, Rebecca, for sharing your fabulous and incredibly helpful videos!
