What percentage of gram-positive bacteria cell wall is peptidoglycan?

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What percentage of the dry weight of the cell wall in many gram-positive bacteria is made up of peptidoglycan?

A) 50% or more
B) About 10%
C) 11% ± 0.22%
D) About 20%

Answer: A) 50% or more

In many gram-positive bacteria 🦠, the cell wall is primarily made up of peptidoglycan, a rigid structure that provides shape and protection to the cell. The peptidoglycan layer is significantly thicker in gram-positive bacteria compared to gram-negative ones, accounting for a large proportion of the cell wall's dry weight. This extensive network of peptidoglycan molecules 🧱 contributes to the bacteria's ability to resist high internal pressure and maintain structural integrity under various conditions.
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