Psychology of Samadhi – Based on Patanjali's Yoga Sutras & 45 Years Personal Practice

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Patanjali's extraordinary eight-step (ashtanga) method of meditation can lead you to the state of samadhi. His ancient teachings become much more accessible with the help of modern psychology and personal insights gained through decades of practice.

0:00 Purpose of Yogic Meditation
7:48 Patanjali's Yoga Sutras

"I'd like to share with you some insights and observations from my practice of meditation over the past 45 years. I'll describe various techniques I've used and the experiences they produced. I'll also explain important spiritual teachings that helped me understand and grow from those experiences. And, I'll discuss some of the mistakes I've made, to save you the trouble of repeating them. I hope all this will help you deepen your own practice of meditation." – Swami Tadatmananda

For the rishis, the sages of ancient India, the practice of yoga and meditation was a crucial part of a process of spiritual growth that culminates in the realization of your true self, atma, the so-called inner divinity. This personal discovery is commonly called enlightenment, and it results in perfect contentment (ananda) and inner peace (shanti) that never fades away.

More than 1500 years ago, the great rishi Patanjali composed his famous Yoga Sutras, a Sanskrit text considered the source scripture and foundation for the practice of yogic meditation. Patanjali's text consists of just 196 sutras that describe an exceptionally powerful system of meditation.

The Yoga Sutras are highly analytical in nature. Detailed study can be extremely helpful for meditation teachers, but fortunately, it's not essential for practitioners. On the other hand, practitioners can benefit tremendously from the many brilliant insights found in the sutras, especially Patanjali's division of yogic practice into eight individual steps, eight angas or limbs.

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I love the way you make spiritual teachings accessible to ordinary people. It’s a rare gift.


Pranam swamiji I am so humbled and looking forward to your experiences. You are indeed a great teacher.🙏🙏🙏


Thank you venerable I, I sat alone as I listened to you speak, your teaching of the path really helped me to understand how to practice and and learn from these great teachings.


Thank you very much for such a beautiful and clear explanation on a great topic of self-realization : Samadhi (Entombed)


Hari Om Swamiji
Pl do share us ur experience and learning of decodifying Patanjali sutras. ur these discourses will help us a lot and was eagerly waiting with excitement.


With sincere respect, there are things the people watching should be made aware of.

1. No matter how much one studies or who one has as a guru, there will always be someone equally qualified who disagrees.

2. Nirodha has a strongly debated meaning. Some say it means 'restraint', others say it means 'cessation'. Depending on how one interprets the word 'nirodha', it will significantly alter the interpretation of the entire text - I do not exaggerate.

3. The meaning of the word 'yoga' is more often than not interpreted as 'union' - for good reason. Defined in sutra 2, it can be understood as such: "Union (is attained when) the mind's fluctuations cease". Patanjali states in sutra 2:17 to 'reject union' - why? Because everything is already whole and complete: It is the fluctuations of our mind that creates the experience of feeling separate. Sutra 2 can also be interpreted in this way "the perception of separateness ends when the mind ceases to perceive".

Put crudely, Patanjali believes yoga is a silly idea. It is akin to wishing to force a tree to become one with nature - the tree is already one with nature. And so are you. The difference is that we, unlike the tree, have a mind that creates stories about how "I" am different to and separate from everything else. Human beings are as much a part of nature as a tree, a black hole, a star and an atom. But humans have mind. This is why "only when the mind's fluctuations cease there is no longer any perception of separation, at all other times there is (and this causes suffering)".

Patanjali's sutras are not about helping us to attain yoga. Patanjali knows we already have yoga. His sutras teach to quieten the mind so that we are no longer distracted by experience.

There is a great deal more to Patanjali's sutras, obviously. But this is the foundation as I understand it.

How ever much you and I may agree or disagree, I wish you peace.


जनाः ध्वान्ते भ्रान्तचित्ताः युष्माकं चित्रकान् मुहुः।
श्रावं श्रावं सुबुद्धाः स्युः द्रष्टारः सुखिनः सदा।। 🙏
उत्तरोत्तरं चित्राणि अपेक्षामहे।


Another brilliant opening to a brilliant series. Learning and practicing Yoga techniques is such a wonderful addition to the spiritual knowledge of Advaita Vedanta. Thank you so much Swamiji.


Swamiji. Thank you for making these available all around the world, for people like me to learn. I will forever be grateful to you for showing me light when all I could see was darkness.


Yoga and meditation are the soul of Hinduism . Watching a foreigner explain Yoga and samadhi in such in details makes one to believe that Hinduism is truly universal in nature.


Samadhi is the experience of the inner state without the interference of the senses. It’s basically you experiencing you without you. 🙏🏽 🧘🏽


This man is the best speaker Ive heard on Vedanta. Ive linked him to friends and all think he's excellent. Great knowledge, and delivery of it 🙏


Thank you for your effort in explaining the true nature of yoga. I find spiritual depth in Kriya yoga from Swami Yogananda. But the most results in my personal development come from Sri Shankara and his lectures.


A blessing. I always receive a healing from your teachings. 🙏🏽💗🙏🏽


Ram Ram Swamiji, I have been ardently going through your vast teachings for the last 3 years and have started meditating a few months ago. I look forward to the next parts in this series. Currently going through Vivek Chudamani. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Pranam . Bhai Jagdish Nottingham.


Thank you 😊😊 your a Great teacher I understand you well 🙏🙏🙏🙏


Well said sir, doesn’t make you popular to point these things out to modern “yoga” practitioners. So I don’t anymore! Lol 😝


The music is also very nice. Wondering if it's Swamiji's own composition?


Thank you Swami. Can I ask if you still practice Hatha Yoga? 🙏


I love it. Beautifully explained with great insight on yoga. Gratitude for making the world a better place
