2022-2024 Honda Civic Tips and Tricks

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Here are the tips and tricks no one at the dealership is telling you about on the 2022 through 2024 Honda Civic. Touchscreen customization, hidden release tabs, and key fob tricks are just a few of the things we are going over! There is nothing worse than owning your Civic for over a year and then learning it could do so many cool tricks that would have made your life easier. Catch 14 tips and tricks on this video about the 2022 Civic that will make your life easier and your Civic more functional to your needs.

00:00 Intro
00:18 Tip # 1
01:15 Tip # 2
02:22 Tip # 3
03:21 Tip # 4
04:14 Tip # 5
04:54 Tip # 6
06:21 Tip # 7
08:21 Tip # 8
08:52 Tip # 9
10:19 Tip # 10
11:31 Tip # 11
12:32 Tip # 12
13:25 Tip # 13
14:27 Tip # 14
15:16 Final Thoughts

Questions and Comments:
Justin Fuller
Text: 737.443.9555

Musical Credits:
Upbeat Food Journey by Infraction [No Copyright Music] / Hightech
Infraction - No Copyright Music
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You’re like a living manual lol. Thanks for taking the time to do this! My little brother is thinking about getting this car and I’m gonna show him this video 👍


Go to tpms settings after checking and correcting tire pressure


This ended being the first brand new car I bought and I love it! Only thing I would change is the idle stop feature, hopefully they update the software. Aside from that, love the car and good informative video 👍


Yep, i got a 2024 & had to read the manual ( all 770 pages) to figure all this out. Took me several days to get it all set up. But your video showed me a few more things i didn't know. THANKS
much on this great vehicle to customize, but also very helpful .😊


I had a 2005 civic LX for 208, 000 miles with the 2.0 L engine. Best car I have owned to date other than a Tacoma 3.5 L V6 truck.


My 2022 Honda Civic sport sonic grey edition just came in today! I will use all the tips and tricks you provided! Thank you so much man!


Just got a 22 sport about 2 weeks ago, she’s great.positive and great vid man!


Thanks just got 2024 honda civic hatchback and I'm learning 😊


the only thing I didn't like about my civic was mainly the sound system in the sport trim. Ended up getting some Focal FXEs 8 speakers, Rockford fosgate amp and a DSP to keep the stock head unit and it sounds incredible


This all stuff my dealer asked me if I wanted on or didn't want on prior to taking delivery of the car. My sales rep had a paper with essentially all these tips and asked how i would want the car setup. And while I was finalizing finance paperwork, she went out and updated all the settings.


When I sold Nissans, I spent my first month just getting in a car and familiarizing myself with all the features; kinda upsetting that folks with half my intellect and questionable hygiene and odious personal habits sold more than me, although I had a couple people with Muranos pull into our dealership in a panic and say they're about to run out of gas and couldn't figure out how to get the gas cover lid open (one lady tried to pry it open with a key, scratching the paint). I received thanks but that was it.

Too bad the associate that sold me my 2022 Civic didn't know anything about the settings, so I had to rely on the manual and trial-and-error technique to learn the menu options. Thanks for greatly streamlining this process!


Best video ever, I have done a lot of research on this car because I am really looking into getting one and I didn’t know any of these features and I wouldn’t have known them if it weren’t for you. Thank you!!!


i love my 2024 civic sport these are awesome cars for daily driving, nothing too special under the hood but they look slick and get the job done, thanks for the tips man


Go into your giddhidden menu and turn the equalizer off. You gotta do it everytime but it takes a few seconds and turns the sound system from very very mid to pretty darn good.


Picking up my boost blue hatchback Sunday and will be using this video the second i get it home 🤣


I have watched all the # of things u didn't know 22 civic series. This time I just changed my wall paper. Last time it was the clock background. Anxiously awaiting 20 thing I didn't know about my Civic video. Additionally just watching you change things around helps remind how easy it is to customize for my personal preference. Thus enhancing the driving experience. Thanks again J.F


This was AWESOME Justin, thank you so much!! I’m gonna PLAY with my Civic tomorrow and check out some of these FEATURES!! 😁🙏🏽🤙🏽


Having all your doors open upon keyless entry Seems like it would be a safety hazard in my opinion what if somebody is chasing you … instant death lol. Mines off


if u have this car, and do not like the engine starting every time u stop at a red light or just stop for a second all the way, u can turn that OFF, its the button right above the emergency break, its the A with a circle arrow around it. BUT you have to turn it off everytime u start the car up. it makes it mandatory to use it every time unless YOU turn it off, but its a habit for me now after doing it so much.


Just got my 2023, it’s my first brand new car after fucking up my 2018 Accord with a deer i’m so excited
