Shooting with a 125-year-old camera - Kodak Pocket 1896

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The 1896 Kodak Pocket uses 102 roll film, substantially narrower than 120 film, and discontinued since the 1930s. I was forced to design and 3D print a new spool, and to have my friendly camera store cut up a 120 film to the correct width.
Because the modified film is narrower than common 120 medium format film, it won’t fit existing film processing gear. Therefore orthochromatic film was used that can be developed by hand quite easily under a red light.

This camera is compact and light, but the viewfinder is dim and quite small making it almost impossible to compose properly. The shutter button is awkward to use, since it works sideways and in both directions. There is only one shutter speed (plus “bulb” mode) and three apertures. Also, film is unobtainable. It is one of the very first camera models that could be reloaded in daylight.

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Estoy en el processo de hacer lo. mismo! tengo un Kodak Brownie Hawkeye. Y otro que voy a intentar que usa 122 pan negativo... pero voy a usar 120... aver como me sale! Gracias!


Sorry to ask, how long is the wire for the shutter?


Very nice😋👏!! Do not get left behind - P r o m o S M .
