Gravitational Potential Φ & Gravitational Potential Energy- Gravitational Fields, A Level Physics

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This video is about Gravitational Potential Φ and gravitational potential energy. When a mass is at infinity it is said to have zero gravitational potential energy. The equation for Gravitational Potential is Φ=-GM/r. The topic of potential wells, why we cannot use mgh for bodies above the surface of earth and the difference between gravitational field strength and gravitational potential is touched on in this video. It is a part of topic 18: Gravitational Fields, in the A Level Physics syllabus.
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this is the best way I have ever heard this topic (and all the topics on your channel) explained, I was so confused before because I had never heard a full theoretical explanation and was just taught through formulas with no real understanding. As a result I thought physics was really dull and boring but this makes me understand why you think that physics is really cool- it is! thank you so much, this channel is really underrated 🌟🌟, keep going!


Thank you so much for the great explanation - I now understand why we use U = -GMm/r instead of it being positive.


Hey teacher, which has the largest gravitational potential the sun or the earth? and why?
