Research is Changing on Eating Fiber for Fat Loss

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How Fiber Directly Influences Fat Loss

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Timestamps ⏱

0:00 - Intro - How Fiber Directly Influences Fat Loss
1:21 - Short-Chain Fatty Acids
5:37 - Use Code THOMAS25 for 25% off Your First Order from SEED!
6:12 - How This Influences Fat Loss
7:31 - Effect on Brown Fat
8:21 - The Bottom Line
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Everybody has a different tolerance level when it comes to fiber, even certain fiber sources. Don't just add fiber to your diet. Slowly add it and take notice.


If you have autoimmune issues watch out all starchy vegetables, fruits and grains. Go slow on fibre and femented foods until you build a tolerance then try re-introducing starch and see what happens


Hey Thomas,

I just wanted to thank you for all this amazing content you have, it has helped me tremendously with my diet, lifestyle, and well being. I have spread the word about you to people I have come across with.


Asparagus and artichoke salad...add red onion, cherry tomatoes, ACV, olive oil, lemon juice top with parmesan cheese or feta


I’m enjoying the regular dietary content. It’s so helpful


You know its about to get serious when Thomas say "when you look at a study that was published in the journal of"
And i love it every single damn time.
Thanks Thomas! You are part of the reason im 22kg lighter than i was a year ago!


Thomas, what about choosing fermented fibers like sauerkraut or kimchi instead (i understand fermented foods to be 'partially' pre digested, which helps people with digestive issues)


I study microbiome science as part of my PhD research, and it should be noted that acetate is just about the only SCFA that makes it into the systemic circulation to an appreciable concentration. Butyrate and propionate have neuroactive and physiological effects in their own rate, but are mostly absorbed by the colonic epithelium or in the liver as an energy source. At best you'll be able to detect them in the portal vein, but not in the periphery. This is still a great thing mind you, as increasing intestinal barrier integrity of the intestine has huge metabolic benefits by reducing inflammation, etc.


I have some undiagnosed intolerance that goes away if I eat zero fibre. I've tried reintroducing fibre with probiotics and all my old symptoms have returned. I don't know how to win this game.


No fibre for me! After 30 years of IBS I ditched fibre and now I have a life! Please be careful cause it’s not for everyone


This is very interesting. I have upped my fibre intake considerably in the last 5-6 years, this correlates to how long I can now exercise fasted! I had once heard that fibre can be broken down into SCFA to be used as fuel, this video confirms and explains exactly that.


I’ve done better with weight loss ADDING more in over the last couple years. I aim for 40-65 grams on average and never felt better but I’ve never suffered from major digestive issues or constipation.


Fiber only works if your microbiome is good, if not then it's inflammatory as per the sonnenburg studies. Most people have a crappy microbiome so that's why "eating healthy" does not work and things like carnivore appeared.


Hey Thomas, I met you yesterday at Disneyland!
Thank you for being such a very humble and nice human being!



I did the same about a year ago. Had to buy a heavy duty toilet plunger. But, it was worth it!


When I was eating the most fibre I weighed the most. Use to eat a very high fibre diet in a useless attempt to end the chronic constipation I had since childhood. Drinking more water translated into urinating every 15 minutes. No other results.
Gluten was the main problem, but grain fiber of any type cause me problems. Also all grains have their own version of gluten, so it might not just be the fibre.
I can eat vegetable and fruit fiber if I keep it limited. But too much will cause problems.


Human digestion is so complicated. I always thought that fiber just helped stuff move out of the body quicker; so it didn't hang around and cause problems. Awesome research!


i been researching diet for decades and i figured it out. and this video kind of sums it up. fiber fructose plant based foods all have some negative impacts. but once your healthy the body absorbs all the nutrients. problem is lot of these tests are done on people already thats unhealthy overweight on pharmaceuticals etc. this creates all these autoimmune diseases.

so first and foremost you have to get your gut and your weight back first otherwise doesnt matter how expensive the fuel or tires are if the engine only running on one cylinder. fasting then going carnivore diet with no carbs until the weight comes down and you get your hormones/metabolism working correctly. because being overweight is start of almost all ilnness


One study showed twenty percent of their participants could not digest fibre, it was found in the stool. I suspect that's fairly representative of the general population


Thomas, your content is the BEST! Love the cites & names of Journals in which you found them!
