We Visited Every STRANGER THINGS Filming Location!

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My Daughter and I travelled to Atlanta to Visit the Strager Things Locations from season 1 through 4! It took three days but was such a great experience. We even got some interesting insight into season 5 upcoming filming in May!

This is a crazy show that is probably not for everyone, it can be scary so make sure you are ready for that type of content if you watch it. But for me as a Father it is important to spend times doing things my kids are interested. Hope you enjoy our journey whether you have seen this show or not.

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As a major stranger things fan, and living in Atlanta, I drive by every so often to check and see whats going on and if filming is happening haha


“If you’ve never seen Stranger Things, this is all weird, but that’s alright.” 😆
Loved it!


"Go running up that hill, heh". Dad joke of the year 😁


So typically for tv shows like strangers things, they film exterior shots on actual buildings ie the houses or the Hawkins lab, and any interior shot is done on a soundstage. The main reason they do this is the studio or Netflix don’t own the homes, and you can’t really evict people every-time you need to film at the house. So it’s just easier to film the exteriors decorate them however you need to ie Halloween or Christmas and pay the owners a inconvenience fee and promise they’ll return the house to good as if not better condition. Filming on a soundstage also gives them more control over light, time of day, and shooting angles. Houses aren’t really designed to have giant studio light and cameras in them, stages allow them to remove the wall and ceiling for lights. On super rare occasions they do film on the interiors like on wills house at the end of season 3 or when they are running from the demagogs at Hawkins lab. Netflix does also tend to rent houses from realtor companies like the vecna house but these houses tend to sell shortly after production has wrapped. The Vecna house was chosen specially because it was one of the few Victorian homes in Atlanta without a renovated interior.

I do have to imagine though fans do end up buying these homes, and there are people who are perfectly okay with people visiting while others hate the idea that people want to visit their home. But there’s definitely instances where after shooting is done the homes go up for sale and people buy them not realizing that they were in a show/ season that isn’t out yet. Or people might not watch the show and just like the house and suddenly have fans showing up to it everyday, which definitely feels like a warning the realtor should of have to the potential owners


They should open it up to the public after everything is done filming, and make it a museum dedicated to the show, charge a small fee.


So nice that you and London did this! It seems like London had a lot of fun!


It’s so weird that London is all grown up now😭


I love you are taking the YouTube adventure and giving your kids an experience. What a great dad


That’s an awesome experience you and your daughter have Dan hope you enjoy it 👍


Such a good dad. Seeing parents be supportive and good like that is awesome! Wish i could enjoy seeing like this with my parents.


Man I love the content lately. first Dan visited near where I live in the Bay Area. Now he’s in Atlanta he’s everywhere !


Ahhh! I drive by Vecna’s house everyday on my way to work! I didn’t know that church had a nuclear bomb shelter! 😜 also, the asylum in the show is in the same town as Vecna’s house! Berry College!


32:18 omg that looks exactly like the home alone house


It’s cool y’all visited Hawkins high school. I grew up in the city of Stockbridge, and there is always people stopping by to see the high school.


so when they start filming again they have to renovate all the damage to the buildings and get rid of the writing?? dang pain in the butt that will be. I love how respectful you are which clearly has led as a good example to your daughter


Dan:"We're not gonna break any laws today."
2 mins later
Dan:"We're just gonna drive by and see what it's like."😆😆😆


wow I never thought that the filming scenes and places would be so far from each other since in the Show Hawkins looks like a small town but in real life where they film these location for the show are so far and they have yo have to drive like several minutes or hours to guet to the location. xd For example, the houses of the characters are too far from each other, as well as the other places that they showed, such as School and the little shops where they worked, everything is very interesting...and see the places where some scenes for the Show are filmed! :)


You've missed Hopper's cabin but film is very cool and these location are the same as in the series, so impressive . Are you gonna visit locations from 4 season in California?


Used to live less than 2 miles from the school there in Stockbridge. Spent 20 years there before moving to colorado


I was a background actor in this show, Inside is very cool of the school they do film a lot of stuff in the school, and they have like old macs and stuff inside a closet type room in main hallway, where the radio and stuff were, the classrooms actually have desks in them, the whole place functions still like toilets ects, the worst thing i remember filming was the snowball scene for season 2 it was MADDD hot in the gym while they kept pumping smoke in the gym, and playing the same song OVER and OVER again. But yeah Ive been in season 2 and 3 of the show
