Jury finds Kimberly Kessler guilty of first-degree murder, grand theft auto in death of Joleen Cummi

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Cummings, a mother and hairstylist, disappeared in May 2018. Her body has never been found.
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I’m not American but could this not create a precedent? Not only should a person have the right to face their accuser but shouldn’t the people not have the right to face the accused? She took a mother of three's life. How will her mother and her children, when old enough to understand, feel about this? She’s a coward of the very worst order.

I also think there’s more to come from the seventeen aliases and residence of thirty three states history of this woman.


Better she gets thrown out of court then her throwing one of her favorites back :/
Literally they got the scoop on her, pooper scooper that is.


That was crazy, she should be made to listen to the verdict. Criminals must face their guilty verdict or the not guilty verdict.
