Episode 49: Prehabbing the Runner's Knee

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Runners do 1 movement over and over and over and over. WOW. My first thought when I think of running is overuse injuries, specifically of the knee. Respectably, a runner would think of my sport Crossfit and think: rhabdo, injuries, etc...and rightfully so. No activity should define your fitness. Challenge the repetitive movements you do regularly in your activity of choice with a daily maintanence program such as this one.

Nothing is one size fits all and ankles are a major role player in runners knee pain, but this sequence gets to some of the glued areas and can give you some immediate tension relief. Do not use this as your rehab program if you have already developed one of these syndromes- as you should not be running with these chronic injuries, you should be resting and working on mobility(these drills included)/stability/breaking the inflammation cycle.

I love that runners are so passionate. In order for a runner to continue doing what they love, I have laid out a short movement prep sequence.

1. Unglue your anterior hip/knee
2. Lengthen through your posterior
3. Create hip/spine stability and mobility
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