The Man Living in Complete Isolation for 40 Years (Part 2/4) | Far Out

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Since 1965, Faustino Barrientos has lived alone on the shores of lake O'Higgins in a house built from the remains of a shipwrecked fishing vessel. He's a pastoralist, living mostly off the land and his livestock, with few modern amenities. His nearest neighbors are in Villa O'Higgins, a small community of several hundred people, 25 miles away, accessible only by a two-day horseback ride through rugged mountain animal paths. Every few years, Faustino makes this ride to sell his cattle in town.

Currently 81 years old, Faustino is reaching the end of his life, and his self-imposed isolation is being encroached upon by the forces of government, economy, and tourism. In December 2011, VICE went to document his lifestyle and speak with him about the changing face of Patagonia and the gaucho lifestyle.

Watch the rest here!
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I know exactly how he feels. I lived in the mountains for two years by myself with no running water in a stone cottage. It was the best time of my life.


for anyone wondering, Faustino is still alive! last report of him was August 19th, 2020. he looks healthy in the photos, accompanied by his two dogs :)
to those who wonder where did these photos came from - a few police officers went to his home to bring him clothes and chop some wood for him and they (police) posted pictures of him in their official twitter account.


It's weird that I can sort of relate to this man. I spend most of the time on my own, I dont interact with people very often. And watching this man I have realized that the less you are surrounded by people, the more wise and conscious about life you become, you appreciate or notice simple thing that everyone else would ignore like the changing weather, etc. You follow your instincts and you do things that woulden't do when you are around people, it's a feeling hard to describe.


Obviously a very observant and intelligent man


“He knows more about politics than the average person in the area”

He is the only person in the area.


i respect people who can be alone, almost everyone needs to be in a social environment, on the phone or initiating drama as an escape to not look into themselves.


Yep, the amount of time spent to yourself humbles yourself, and makes you more appreciative of everything around you.


Couldn't even bring the poor guy a wine bottle for putting up with your pestering and camera equipment? c'mon!


It is always a good idea to walk a little in someone else's shoes and experience the world from a different reality. I like his take on climate change, simply through observing the nature around him. This is such a simple method of noticing change if one cares to take the time. Unfortunately most people are to preoccupied with the fabrications of modern life to understand the truth of nature. So take some time here and there and notice the differences.


I'm surprised at how well he stays informed about the world around him. Pretty impressive knowledge for someone so old, old school, and isolated.


This is amazing, how much knowledge this man has for being in just isolated for many years. Respect for him, and for her to have the guts to see him!


when the lady left, he opened his macbook air and tweeted: "I met a girl today :) "


He reminds me of my grandfather. He's awesome! Probably more intelligent and healthy than most...


Anyone else take a liking to his goggles?

Like something straight out of a steampunk genre.


As interesting as this is, he still has contact with the city where he sells his stuff. This isn't "Complete Isolation" or else he wouldn't have a calendar for 2011, or a chainsaw made in the late 80s. He's still REALLY isolated, but it hasn't been been complete isolation for 40 years.


its pretty cool how he notices the subtle changes in the plants indicating the seasons. He seems so in tuned with whats around him and the world despite living alone for so long. Most people today never would notice any of these, me included.


He looks so calm and peaceful! I don't blame the man for isolating himself, the world is a cold cruel place.


What a delightful, gentle man! Would've loved to have a glass of wine and listen to his stories ❤


His life can be much easier than some people who live alone or with family (which may make more problems) without having basic facilities and houses. He had a bottle of wine, some animals, a house with a nice mountain and lake view, and even an electric saw. Perhaps, some people wanna have a life similar to him.


Do you like to live alone? "Yes, because life seems to be better when you're alone."
