Why is Nobody Playing this Transformers TCG Deck? We Should Be!

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The brand manager of the Transformers TCG took a deck to the UK Energon and was surprised nobody was talking about it. Let’s change that! Come see!

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5:17 combo because i dont have Ultra Magnus lol thank you wossy


I believe i might be the podcast we talked about Drews Magnus deck / idea.... anyway Ross we have 2 different decks kicking about my local meta. We have 2 players (One of them being me) playing this BIG MAN and Jetfire!!!! Very different how you play him to how I play him though.... Keep up the good work Lee


Defensive driving states opponent. You definitely cannot stop Magnus' trigger with that. As previously stated


I played this deck toward the beginning of the Energon Season. I found it kept getting out maneuvered by 4-wide decks. Magnus accidentally one-shoted Lionizer first turn and then Blur was able to one shot my team thr next turn. You'll need Fuel Cache, Heroic Team up + 3 Matrixes + 3 Roll outs doesn't trigger Magnus' ability as much as you think it does. There also something else to consider: Superior Jet Pack, Jet Fire can fish it out with his ability and I believe Quartermaster can move it to Magnus. This allows you to push damage to blue decks.


I was literally building a Jerfire and Magnus armor deck (don’t have Ultra Magnus).


If I draw Ultra Magnus in a turbo game i might, else i won't


Would jetfire be able to use Energy pack on from the scrap because he is not putting it in play. Just like he can put on Superior Plating and Superior Jet pack without needing Tech Research


Defensive Driving doesn't work like that. Ultra Magnus damage isn't from an opponent card.


My local group tried this at release. We tried Mixed, Agro, and Def. It was inconsistent and weak to 4 wide or more.


I enjoy Magnus worked well for me with General Prime just need to fine tune the battle deck more. Looking into some other good things to partner with him though.


Since you're asking Wossy -

It's clever, but clever doesn't win games. There are a number of flaws in this deck in context of the current meta which would bar it from being at the top tables.

- First, two wide decks get run over by both 3 wide and 4 wide aggro. Both of these are rampant right now.
- Ultra Magus Armor is very susceptible to upgrade hate (which Bashing Shield is a green pip in almost all OJ decks, and Ramming Speed has become a near staple side in the current environment).
- Jetfire in this build is pretty suboptimal. Jetfire obtaining a UMA doesn't make it that impressive. Couple the fact that you're forcing your entire concept to rely on this strategy. Jetfire obtains a base of 3 Armor, and 7 Attack, but occupies the armor slot. Comparatively let's review General Prime who has an innate base of 3 Armor, and can go up to 6 Attack Bold 1, plus maintain his armor slot open still. The General seems strictly better.
- Armor is reactive while weapons and ---- Bashing Shield ---- are proactive. Meaning you may never really get to use the additional armor aspect for UMA. As previously stated, bringing Jetfire to 3 armor is not that impressive. The deck really requires Spare Parts for protection on Ultra Magus, which almost invalidates having Jetfire for a two wide option.

Contrary to popular opinion, I do honestly believe two wide is very viable right now. You'd need to pivot to General Prime though to make it work. The match ups two wide is strong in, they're pretty dominant. Jetfire isn't optimal or even competitively viable in two wide. Jetfire is a very strong card, but shines in a wider set up.


Actually it's better to attack with Jetfire with heroic team up because he has Bold, essentially doing one more damage.


Your a little late with thus deck. Wreck and rule had one build a few month ago, and I have been playing it for about 2 months now.


I found it vary hard to get his ability off and multi decks I have not gotten to work fluidly


Because it gets slopped by a plethora of decks.
