How to Activate DJI Mavic Air

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Just got your new Mavic Air? This short tutorial guides you through the activation process.

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I got mine barely used and when i try activating it it says “activation failed, the device being connected to is not the one being activated. I can’t figure out why because the controller and aircraft came together and the app let me fly several times without being activated.


Hello there,
I just activated my Mavic Air this evening...i was trying to use the training academy but the only thing it seem's to do is let you fly in random patern's with no feedback beside's saying Takeoff.
this is not my first proper Drone as i also own a Parrot BeBop which i absolutely hate.


Hello from Dublin(Ire),
I Have my Mavic air over a full month now...i have went through every Tutorial and made sure to take my time to get know the machine.
My latest issue is...I tried out the Active Track feature for the first time earlier this week in what i recon was the correct location to do so.
I made sure to recallibrate the compass as i was in a new area before i launched using the Go4 app linked to my mobile device...the Gimbal was able to track my movement but the Drone would not move from the spot where i took off.
How did move when i clicked on the screen stick input's.
I purchased this machine so i could record my various Activity's like Mountain biking, Hiking and the odd bit of Climbing.
I updated the drone in the last week when where am i going wrong now?


How would you know if the dji air is brand new or used?


Any help in 2024? My drone won't turn on :/


I followed all instructions, and it doesn’t work. It stops on step 3 and nothing happened. Why so complicate and not workable??? Why it doesn’t “just works”?.??


En diciembre de 2019 compré el pack Fly More. Con el asunto del confinamiento COVID nunca llegué a sacarlo de la caja y cuando me enteré de toda la normativa y todas la trabas legales para volar drones, en Julio de 2020 obtuve el titulo de piloto avanzado y radiofonista. Por diversas circunstancias dejé la afición aparcada y hace unas semanas desempaque el equipo. Así que para mí es totalmente novedoso. Desgraciadamente, dos de las baterías se han echado a perder y ahora me encuentro con que DJI las ha descatalogado y no están disponibles. Me parece UNA MUY MALA POLITICA que no dispongan de repuestos para un equipo con apenas cuatro años de antigüedad, en particular un componente tan esencial como las baterías y más teniendo en cuenta que son equipos caros. Nos inflan la cabeza con la Economía Sostenible y el consumo responsable y las grandes empresas son las primeras en lanzar productos con una obsolescencia programada. Una lástima.
