Maybe Midrash: TBR and Book Recommendations

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The three announcement videos for Maybe Midrash:

A podcast interview with Christian Wiman:

An interview with Jamie Quatro:

Two interviews with Tim Winton:

Books mentioned or discussed in this video:

- Brendan by Frederick Buechner
- Albion: The Origins of the English Imagination by Peter Ackroyd
- He Held Radical Light: The Art of Faith, The Faith of Art by Christian Wiman
- My Bright Abyss: Meditation of a Modern Believer by Christian Wiman
- Fire Sermon by Jamie Quatro
- Exiles by Ron Hansen
- A Stay Against Confusion: Essays on Faith and Fiction by Ron Hansen
- The Turning by Tim Winton
- Walking the Bible: A Journey by Land Through the Five Books of Moses by Bruce Feiler
- Still: Notes on a Mid-Faith Crisis by Lauren Winner
- Girl Meets God by Lauren Winner

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Really cool choices for maybe midrash. Looking forward to it!


I think I am going to be able to join you for this month, although I don’t have access to the Flannery O’Conner books I was initially thinking of reading. Making a plan this evening!


I'll be posting my tbr and some recommendations later today, and there is a book in common on our lists!


Hello again - thanks for the recommendations. I will seek out Girl Meets God... I just uploaded my Maybe Midrash TBR video today.


I'm glad I chose a TBR before you posted this. There are so many great choices here that it would have paralyzed me, haha. Completely forgot about the religious bent of Fire Sermon! What a great book.


Hoping to finally read Wiman for my non-fiction pick.


My current TBR for Maybe Midrash includes two novels (two, because one of them is short) and one non-fiction:
- Michael Moorcock: Behold the Man
- Leo Tolstoi: Resurrection
- Bede: Ecclesiastical History of the English People
And if I'm still hungry for more, I will re-read Shusaku Endo's Silence and watch Scorcese's great film adaptation of the novel.


Thanks for the suggestions and for the reminder about the marvellous Tim Winton. I often reread those particular short stories. I had nominated Damascus by Christos Tsoilkas for the fiction and it was suggested to me that Christianity by Diarmaid Macculloch might appeal and it certainly does. Have read the first couple of chapters. It is 1000 pages so it will be a bit of a read. I just happen to have started a memoir called Mazol Tov by J. S. Margot which is about a woman who tutored the children of an Orthodox Jewish family in Belgium. It occurred to me that that book would be suitable? This should be interesting indeed. Thanks


For fiction I’m reading Man in White by Johnny Cash. For nonfiction, I’m reading The Crucifixion by Fleming Rutledge.


I saw Silence by Endo in there! Nice intro!

What a fantastic idea. You've thought it out very well. I'll go watch the announcement videos.

I happen to be partway through Revelations of Divine Love by Julian of Norwich & would really like to finish it in May. I'm also going to be reading The Hunchback of Notre Dame in May. Would those count for #MaybeMidrash? I would love to join!

I've been meaning to read Wimen and Robinson. Looking forward to your thoughts on Christian publishers. (Their work often bothers me, although it's not all bad.)


I think Girl Meets God will definitely be my nonfiction read, but I’m still looking at fiction. I have an idea, but I need to see how much religion is actually in it.


Really interesting suggestions but like you and Kelly I will try to stick (mostly) to what's already on my shelf. :) I might combine Maybe Midrash and the Asian Readathon by a non-fiction book about buddhism and either A Tale for the Time Being by Ruth Ozeki or The Buddha of Suburbia by Hanif Kureishi. If not I will read an introduction to Christianity and The Bridge of San Luis Rey by Thornton Wilder. Would those books work in your opinion?


My late father, an Episcopal Priest, was a fan of Frederick Buechner. I have his collection of the books. Thank you for getting me to go pull them off the shelf again. I am also very much looking forward to this read along and will do an announcement video on my reading choices soon. Be well.
