Making Our Industry Safer - L-Acoustics

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L-Acoustics loudspeakers and electronics, seen and heard at the world's biggest music festivals, global tours, and more, result from nearly 40 years of pro audio innovation and stringent safety protocols. Whether for audiences of 50 or up to 50,000, our teams develop professional, high-quality sound systems and solutions that deliver the best sound.

Through our anti-counterfeiting task force, we are making our industry safer by removing untested and uncertified fake L-Acoustics products. Recently, we removed and deconstructed around 136 fake L-Acoustics products from the market in Tampa, Florida, and prepared them for recycling. Through this event, we are protecting our audiences, partners, and end-users from counterfeits, and we will continue to do the work. This isn't the end; it's the beginning.

Watch more on Fox News and NBC News below:

Рекомендации по теме

Hey! You've unloaded the wrong truck, that stuff was ok ! ?


Was this video mixed on those counterfeit speakers? The "background" music is louder than the people speaking


Totally agree with the destruction. Would love a more informative page on your website for how to spot fakes. From this quick video these look more realistic than I would have thought.


Lacoustic is great but they now need to upgrade to the new cardioid system with superior rear sound rejection.


Je comprends pas trop le message là, en fait, l'impression que ça me fait c'est d'une, vous faites cowboy, voir mafieux avec des techniques d'intimidation, d'autre part, vous vous rendez vulnérables. Les gens qui utilisent vos produits sont dans le domaine professionnel, il recherchent avant tout une qualité irréprochable, et surtout une équipe a leur service. Vous amenez également pas mal avec les software, etc... Ce que vous faites très bien, je pense. Ce qui explique en partie vos tarifs excessif. Il y a des lois concernant la contrefaçon, et ça doit se passer sur le domaine juridique et exécutif. Dans un contexte actuel ou on parle d'écologie vous passez pour des shlag en plus. Au pire faites bloc commun avec toutes les marques pour faire du lobbying. J'aime beaucoup
L'acoustic notamment pour son histoire et les avancées faites notamment avec les incremental et surtout vdosc. Longue vie à l acoustic.


It was totally useless to make a brittle spectacle of material that others have purchased, perhaps even with a quality of finish greater than or equal to yours.
Remember that the l- brand makes speakers in mass where there is no need to be too careful. So the finish……
This reinforces my idea of ​​having bought RCF since the start of my investments
Whose finish is much superior
I am ready to put the sound quality in competition, and I am calm


Do you think China is worried about this video, they will always make fakes, there is no point in trying to intimidate, if L Acostic made this video and why is it so bad? or because the aesthetics are so perfect, maybe even the sound goes unnoticed.


Over priced gear. Would not buy at those prices!!


If I use an L acoustic box and put a different logo on it, is it okay?


I'm not sure about the hate here. If someone took your ideas and hard work, copied your work and defrauded customers (one of you), would you be OK with that. Now it's not as good and people who hear it think it doesn't sound so good and kills your reputation. This is why you can not give it away. You would stand by and do nothing?


Maybe someone can answer me this. I get that flying those uncertified boxes in unsave. But can the sound quality really be that bad? At the end of the day it's just wooden boxes which you can measure and build exactly like the original. Find a good enough driver and you're done. Where is the big difference? Ignoring DSP settings in the amp.


I don't think the Ukrainian workforce is superior to the Chinese. There was no point in breaking all this equipment, which was of very good quality in my opinion.


This is a ridiculous way to make the point.
How about a disection, showing the details of how these products are inferior?


I am working in France on factory, I am doing this loudspeakers.. and this video makes me pain 😄😄😄


Is coming more fake speakers 🔊 I’m sorry for you 😂


I agree with not counterfeiting products, but those speakers were pretty well built despite not being original. Why destroy something that was already done? Many things could have been rescued. (There was literally no difference compared to the original L-Acoustics models.)

The phrase "one man's trash is another man's treasure" makes sense.


Ok..but which brand was it ACTUALLY tho?!👀👀😂😂


A video on how to identify fakes would have been much more helpful than this pointless exercise. Also, pls show us how you repurposed the destroyed fakes as furniture etc. as claimed at the end of the video. Until I've seen that I'll say that's just greenwashing!


Using one gallon gasoline and burning counterfeit product is a good option. But this release too much co2 imprint.


This is what should happen with this company... A state of trance Rotterdam. The bass was unbearably hard and if it was the fault of the acoustics, then ok, but if it was the equipment, this company would be closed down
