A Flawless DAC Under $250!? Geshelli Labs J2 AKM Review

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Around $100 (These prices will fluctuate between $75 - $150)
Pioneer AJ First Gen - Laid Back

Around $200

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Around $600
Polk Reserve R100 - Neutral

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Around $130

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I watched this video on Sunday at 7:30am and after listening to Randy’s opinion and glowing review of this DAC, I emailed Geshelli Labs 20 mins later concerning wood options for the case, as appearance is just as important TO ME as sound quality and I prefer that all of my gear matches aesthetically.
I was expecting a reply this week but to my complete surprise and utter amazement, my phone rang at 11:15a the same day… on a SUNDAY and it was Sherri from Geshelli labs!
We had wonderful and very informative conversation about not only wood options which aren’t available on their site but about the history of the company as well.
Geshelli Labs has earned a customer for life in me.
Thanks Randy and Sherri!
I’ve finally found my DAC.


Geshelli, Bellari, Schitt and Outlaw. I hope and pray that we someday dominate this market. The US loves music and these quality American audio components prove it.


This has to be one of the best values in audio. Mine arrived about 10 days ago and the resolution, soundstage and top-to-bottom balance are outstanding. I really like the idea of supporting US companies, and when I saw a few interviews with the Geshelli's I loved their story and took a flyer on this DAC. I figured that if this wasn't as good as I'd hoped I'd just use it for my desktop audio system. I'll simply say that it exceeded all my expectations and then some, and its balanced outputs are now feeding my Audio Research line stage and power amp, which is driving my Maggies. My system has never sounded so good. Hard to believe that a $300 product could have this impact (I added the USB input option). Highly recommended.


You need more subscribers because the content you bring is not only well produced, but is applicable to a large audience of "common" audiophiles who will never buy a audio system. I have some of the equipment you've reviewed and agree with many of your reviews, and you have opened my eyes to options I've never heard of. Thanks!


So I got my Geshelli J2 AKM Dac today. I don’t have a lot of experience with DACs, Ifi Zen and SMSL SU-8s are probably the best I have had. The difference is amazing. I used the J2 with the Xduoo MT-604 and Hifiman Anandas(non stealth) An amazing experience. I realized I might not have used your link but I did message them and tell them you were the reason I bought the J2. I sent this “thanks” hoping you will have a nice cup of coffee and smile because you know your efforts are appreciated. So Thanks!
PS I think you will get this. I have a couple of frustrating days in a row. Once I got the Dac hooked up and started listening, I started to feel joy again. Music is amazing. Also, I wanted to recommend an artist to you, that I have fallen in love with. Her name is Tash Sultana. Not sure if her sound is to your liking but I figure you might appreciate her.


This AKM Dac with the Geshelli Archel 2.5x made a world of difference for the HIFIMAN XS over my motherboards onboard audio. The instant I started listening I couldn't help but smile, it was something I never experienced before.


This goes towards my theory that it isn't just the DAC chip that makes a good piece of kit, that a good engineer can make a middling DAC sound good with careful design of the rest of the device or make an excellent DAC chip sound worse than it should. Power delivery, component selection, circuit design and PCB layout are all just as critical as the chip of the week. Turbocharging a Yugo, well, it's still a Yugo.


Hi... just wanted to give you a shout out and thank you. Bought the WIIMPro, Elac Debut 5.2s, and a Geshelli J2 (just arrived). I use an old Sony A/V receiver. Friends can't believe how good this system sounds, myself included. I also bought a $25 used Samsung Blu-ray player for all my CDs.
I made a donation to your channel on one of the food drive days..thank you again:)


I agree! This J2 AKM DAC is phenomenal - in particular if you use a LPS. It has the best tonal balance I have heard, with great bass dynamics and articulation and detail - as Randy mentions. The LPS takes it to another level - the soundstage deepens, with the best layering and instrument separation I have heard. The detail of music all the way down into the mix - the subtleties and background harmonies of the music just comes through.
I *had* a Denafrips Ares II in my main system. Not any more ... Geshelli J2 AKM is my reference DAC.


I love what my J2 has done to improve my WiiM Mini and Cambridge Audio DVD89! I love the wood cases but opted not to spend the extra for it and requested a silver case and smoked glass so it still compliments my vintage gear. Thanks for the WiiM and J2 recommendations!


Great review Randy! It’s been a pleasure to get to know Gino on the Patreon zoom calls. I was so impressed with the other patrons comments about this DAC, that I ordered one on Saturday. I’m glad I’m going to beat the rush for those who are watching this video today. Great job Geshelli Labs! Gino, I’ll take my burrito with black beans, light rice, and lots of cheese.


Just got my J2 AKM this week. Seriously the nicest audio product I have purchased. I had second thoughts after I first purchased as I got it with the aluminum chassis and called them and upgraded it to the cedar wood variety and is soooo beautiful. This company might be the best in the business in terms of balancing incredible quality with affordability.


Randy, man, good job RIPPIN that ad spot. Ya really HOT BOXED us with that one! Never let anyone tell you that you are full of hot air.


Finally! A new Sith Audio product! I need that vacuum chamber. And some burritos. And the DAC looks cool. Especially with all the amazing case options. Balanced outs! Don’t have anything with balanced ins, but hey it could very well happen. Controls sound confusing, but I’m a usually a set it and forget it kind of guy, if I can set it right.


Some might find this interesting/helpful. I've had the jnog2 akm for about a month now paired with elac navis arb51's. I was a bit underwhelmed at first compared to the schiit modi multibit (original without usb unison). There was slightly better soundstage and upper frequency clarity compared to former dac. I'm happy to report after plugging in audiquest jitterbug fmj that everything opened up with the soundstage and detail. It truly is the kind of sound I've been after for the last 6 years. The emotions that came out of the music hearing tracks I've heard over and over before is staggering. Stuff I've heard many times over caused literal tears. I'm not sure if some of it is the dac needed some burn in period? But it seems this usb line conditioner any jitter made an absolutely huge difference for this dac.


I absolutely love my J2. I’ve had it few months maybe a year now. I kinda wish I would have gotten the wood enclosure though. Every time someone asks me about what DAC to get I always tell them to get the J2.


Even without the endorsement as your favorite sounding DAC, the value proposition is outstanding. So many DACs in this price range have things I don't want/need like a remote and USB. I really dig the look and enjoy having 1 or 2 conversation pieces standing out among the cluster of black and silver boxes.


The thing I love about geshelli labs is if someone boring only wants a little black box and not a flashy DAC they can still customise it on the website to be a little black box, there’s options for everybody lmao


Personally I think the wood casings look awesome, but you have to pick the right wood and matching faceplates. Photos don't really do it justice, have to see them in person. I have a Geshelli stack (J2 and E2) for my headphone setup, they both have Purple Heart cases with the Smoke color front and back plates. I also switched out the aluminum volume knob on the E2 amp to a matching Purple Heart knob. It looks way better than any of my other gear from Schiit (Modi 3, Modi Multibit) or Topping (E50 in red). I also think it looks better than similar offerings from SMSL, JDS Labs, Massdrop, etc.


My new AKM J2 came with a burrito(sticker). Gotta love these folks!
