I received mine and I have to say that I'm shocked by how well it works. This product combined with hair spray is miraculous mariosh
I received mine and I have to say that I'm shocked by how well it works. This product combined with hair spray is miraculous
thanks for the video man this product seem better than the hair fibers WLF-TTV
thanks for the video man this product seem better than the hair fibers
6-8 months with daily use?! That's impressive! Update: it lasts about 3 months max 4 if not used daily mariosh
6-8 months with daily use?! That's impressive! Update: it lasts about 3 months max 4 if not used daily
I use it on my bald spot on my crown. I love it. so underrated. bm
I use it on my bald spot on my crown. I love it. so underrated.
How does this work for hairlines though if you wear your hair combed back? BigBadJerryRogers
How does this work for hairlines though if you wear your hair combed back?
That's pretty crazy stuff. Works great. Saltbox
That's pretty crazy stuff. Works great.
I use it daily and highly recommend it. michaelt
I use it daily and highly recommend it.
It wont work very well if your hairline is completely gone. Superman-xroh
It wont work very well if your hairline is completely gone.