Hello, BookTube.....and My First Book Review-Chain-Gang All Stars.

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Hi everyone! I’ve been enjoying BookTube content for a couple years and decided that I wanted to be a part of this amazing community. I hope you all will enjoy what I contribute and I am looking forward to connecting with you through our shared love of books.

#booktube #booktubenewbie #bookreview #bookish #dystopianfiction #chaingangallstars #nationalbookaward

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I am really excited to have discovered your channel, love your reading habits & tastes, I read a lot of poetry (especially contemporary) but, other than that, we seem to share many interests. I also love your channel name - very clever, really like that. I'm a little newer to BookTube than you, the tech stuff can be daunting, but also exciting. I really look forward to following your adventure with books.


Just finished Chain-Gang All-Stars, and came to Booktube so I could hear others’ opinions. I so appreciate your thoughts, especially about our current society being fueled by hate. This is such a powerful moving book, 5 star read. Thank you for a great review. 📚♥️


So happy I found your channel!! I love watching book reviews and monthly wrap-ups.


Hi Gretchen. I can relate to what you were talking about regarding the desire to share books and the resulting eye roll responses. A few weeks ago, a search on YouTube led me by chance to Eric Anderson. He was the first person I ever saw sharing thoughts on books and inviting others to join in the chat to share ideas. I was thrilled by the concept of community that this provided. Since then I have enjoyed reading books that I otherwise would not have known about.

Thank you for making your channel. You’re very good at articulating thoughts in a way that I have not learned to do (yet). For example, the way that you explained how a subject matter of a book might be off putting, but the experience of reading it could be enjoyable.

I look forward to seeing your channel grow and wish you the best.



Just watched three of your videos in a row and enjoyed all three. Looking forward to more. Welcome to BookTube!


Just finished CGAS & I appreciate your review. The book didn't quite land with me but I'm glad I read it. I agree with you that given how we already treat the incarcerated, the obsession with sports, violence, tribalism, and the trend towards privatization of services traditionally run by the government, this premise is definitely not far-fetched, which is extremely disturbing. Love hearing your POV!! Am now reading Old God's Time - Sebastian Barry's incredibly gifted altho this story is quite sad.


Happy to have found your channel! I picked this book up from the library yesterday and now I regret not buying it immediately upon release. I can’t put it down.


I love what you say about a book being the right book but in the wrong time in your life to read it. The time and the story have to connect!

I read Chain Gang All-Stars and I loved the idea and the messaging but didn't love the book as a whole. I felt distant from Loretta and Hurricane. I still liked it and can see why its getting so much praise. Institutional incarceration in the US is really unjust and yes, like you say, its painful to know that people applaud cruelty.

Love your channel!
