Our Lady of Czestochowa, Queen of Poland

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In this video we look at Our Lady of Czestochowa, the Queen of Poland.
Our Lady of Czestochowa, or the Black Madonna of Poland, is a very famous icon of the Blessed Virgin holding the Child Jesus. Under this title, Mary is the Queen and Protector of Poland.
The icon of the Madonna has a long history. Legend has it that it was painted by Saint Luke on a piece of a cedar tabletop built by Saint Joseph. Some even say it is part of the table used at the Last Supper. Saint Helen found the image when she went to Jerusalem in search of the true cross. She gave the icon to her son, Constantine. When the city of Constantinople was invaded by the Saracens, the people prayed to Mary and the city was saved. This began the great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary attached to this image.
The history of the painting is more accurately documented in 1382, when Prince Ladislaus was its owner. In that year, when the Tartars were invading the Prince’s palace, an arrow hit the painting, lodging in the throat of Mary. Prince Ladislaus decided to take the icon to Opala, the town where he was born, in order to keep the picture safe. On the journey there, he stopped and spent the night at Czestochowa. The next day, as they began to continue the journey, the horses pulling the wagon with the painting of Our Lady refused to move. Prince Ladislaus took this as a sign that the painting was to remain in Czestochowa. The icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa is there to this day.
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Our Lady of Czestochowa, or the Black Madonna of Poland, is a very famous icon of the Blessed Virgin holding the Child Jesus. Under this title, Mary is the Queen and Protector of Poland.
The icon of the Madonna has a long history. Legend has it that it was painted by Saint Luke on a piece of a cedar tabletop built by Saint Joseph. Some even say it is part of the table used at the Last Supper. Saint Helen found the image when she went to Jerusalem in search of the true cross. She gave the icon to her son, Constantine. When the city of Constantinople was invaded by the Saracens, the people prayed to Mary and the city was saved. This began the great devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary attached to this image.
The history of the painting is more accurately documented in 1382, when Prince Ladislaus was its owner. In that year, when the Tartars were invading the Prince’s palace, an arrow hit the painting, lodging in the throat of Mary. Prince Ladislaus decided to take the icon to Opala, the town where he was born, in order to keep the picture safe. On the journey there, he stopped and spent the night at Czestochowa. The next day, as they began to continue the journey, the horses pulling the wagon with the painting of Our Lady refused to move. Prince Ladislaus took this as a sign that the painting was to remain in Czestochowa. The icon of Our Lady of Czestochowa is there to this day.
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