What is HTML / CSS / JavaScript? (Web Development in 3 minutes)
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HTML CSS and JS are the three pillars of web development. They are all important but not 100% necessary (Except HTML) to build the web. Think of it all as a house. HTML is the foundation of that house. It’s the house structure, the walls, the floors, ceiling and roof. Without it there won’t be a house. HTML is like a word document that describes the structure of your web page. CSS is what you use to style the web, it’s all the decor and furniture inside your house. The paint and the art on the wall, the rugs on the floor, everything you need in order to make your house look like a real house. You can still have a house without furniture, the same way you can have a site CSS but it just won’t look complete. Here’s NYTimes without any CSS. Ewwwwwwwwwww. It’s the same content structure as the site with CSS, but clearly not the same end result. Like a house without paint or furniture. And finally JavaScript. It’s what adds functionality to the web. It’s what turns the house into a livable place, it’s your appliances, the electricity, the heat and water, WiFi, sound system. You can have a house without any of those things, but it just won’t do anything, totally not cool to live in. So the same way you can have a house with nothing but 4 walls, you can have a website with just HTML but you really need CSS and JavaScript to make it a home. These 3 are what’s used to build the front end of a website. We are going to dive much deeper in all of them shortly.