Climate Change Debate | Chris Garner | Opposition (2/8)

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*The speaker in this video is a competitive debater, and therefore the views expressed may not necessarily represent his or her beliefs. *

Oxford Union on Twitter: @OxfordUnion

Thursday 2nd November 2017

The Motion: This House Believes Individual Apathy is the Greatest Threat to our Climate.

Chris Garner opens the case for the opposition, as the second speaker of eight in the debate.

Motion Defeated.

ABOUT THE OXFORD UNION SOCIETY: The Oxford Union is the world's most prestigious debating society, with an unparalleled reputation for bringing international guests and speakers to Oxford. Since 1823, the Union has been promoting debate and discussion not just in Oxford University, but across the globe.
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How is this an opposing argument?
He's just accepting the establishment propaganda and giving up on the issue.


It’s about climate change and the first words spoken were about Donald Trump. This is all really about politics, money and control.


The #1 problem facing humanity today is anyone who hasn't taken the time to become well-informed, free of misinformation and disinformation, on all the major issues of today AND who is not giving their time, energy, talents and resources to the political process to make sure that only the most Loving/most Wise among us become our public servants.


Fossil fuel companies are like the real life Umbrella Corporation.


This man refuses to question his own actions. Blaming Donald Trump is so easy it becomes ridiculously common. Who works for the companies he cited ? People=individuals ? or ghosts, machines, stones? Aren’t these ExxonMobil people, people too? Aren’t these businesses run by human beings? Do WE change OUR own actions ? Or do we go on living our lives unchanged, blaming the people we elected? There are things to DO, not only to say about climate change. Actions. But they require self-critique and change.


This dude is a complete and total extremist... reduce emissions globally to net zero within a generation? Climate change and working to reduce it must be done in a slow methodical process, incrementally. Just diving in and making extreme changes will of course greatly effect the global economy drastically. People are already dying due to poverty in 3rd world countries to the tune of approximately 30, 000 deaths per day. In these countries fossil fuels are the cheapest/most inexpensive way for them to heat themselves, farm their food, ETC, ETC, ETC... Countries that are already having massive issues with poverty and deaths thereby will suffer immensely. On a global scale more wealthy countries already chip in what they feel they can out of the annual budget to help these struggling countries, but still, it’s not nearly enough. Now imagine you make sudden drastic changes to prevent global warming, you sign a global treaty and are held accountable to that treaties inner workings..This would create a situation where the global community is working together to destroy an already fragile economy, leaving first world countries with potential recession, or also quite plausible, compounded by the current factor of totalitarian style shut downs the global economy is already suffering immensely and we’ve only just seen the start of the havoc we have wreaked.. so you’ve got that, combine it with his extremist position on global warming where in the scale of time for humanity is equivalent to him wanting it done overnight. This man and his views would kill so many innocent people it would be off the charts. Also he gave no actual data on global warming, no stats, no charts, just a far left extremist view on global warming that in my opinion is being used to usher in a one world order, a communist dictatorship, totalitarian control of the people.. in the 70’s the majority of the scientific community who spoke up spread the fearful message that global COOLING is on its way and will devastate the planet if we don’t do something now. Please keep in mind folks, all of the largest mainstream media outlets only 50 years ago were owned by 80 some people.. now they are owned by about 7. Its history repeating itself... it’s like Rothschild said, “I care not what a country’s laws are so long as I control their currency. We the same can be said about the media, it’s an age old historical fact that Media and the propaganda it spews has given the wanna be dictators of the world the grip they needed to get the masses to subscribe to their agenda, without even knowing what they are actually subscribing too. Hitler used it, Stalin, Mao, the list goes o and on. Except in today’s age it’s even more potent and for a number of leading two being the introduction of the internet, and modern day psychology.. do not think for a second media isn’t using utilizing psychology to great extent to sway you into a lull that has essentially made you a person who is willing to give up his or her freedoms for a little bit of false security. Once enough people are lulled into that state, this is when the people go down, and currently we are approaching the necessary numbers for another repeat in history of what we’ve seen time and time again, a population who has given away the right to not be murdered in masse via democide, tortured, raped, and robbed by its own government... in the 20th century alone a estimated 262 million innocent civilians were murdered by their own governments according to the institute of Hawaii.


Both sides, for and against, are funded by big money players and have their own army of lobbyists. To cry "That side has all the money and legal power and we're the poor victims" is silly.


The axiom that climate change is a problem worth solving I contend with


Living a greener lifestyle is so easy! Using cloth bags instead of plastic, cloth napkins instead of paper, saving fuel in the automobile and at home, tupperware instead of ziplock are all quite easy and in fact will save the consumer money! Given the likelihood that such little changes can aggregately help the Planet, why not???


'Or maybe we might like to “reflect” theologically on why exactly there was no mean global warming between 1998 and 2010 at all, despite the continuing rise in man-made CO2?'


Is is debate or introductory session 🙄
Rubbish 😏😏


The combination of eloquence and attractiveness. Are all Oxford guys that smart???


It must be frustrating living in a country with all that history but no future. A little more than a hundred years ago they had enough power to change the world... But I hear they have great health care and gobs of diversity.


" Why Big Oil Conquered the World" James Corbett's brilliant doc. here on YT
