This is why MAG is the BEST Warframe to have in 2024

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In this video i go Over Mag and why you NEED MAG in Warframe 2024. She is literally one of the strongest warframes to have in 2024. I love this frame so much Mag is super strong. We go over Mag builds in warframe 2024 as well as how to play her from beginner all the way into Endgame in Warframe

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First rule about mag club!, we don't talk about mag club!.


My biggest issue with Mag... that I totally missed the Heirloom skin, having been away from the game for years. I still haven't found the fashionframe to make her perfect....


I think Mag's best Helminth is Breach Surge. Not only does it blind, giving her some crowd control, but the Surge Sparks count as weapon hits in the bubble. The damage over time of Magnetize is every half second and each instance of damage has a chance to create a Surge Spark. It causes a feedback loop inside the bubble that leads to the DoT becoming hundreds of thousands if not millions of damage every half second. The DoT feeds into the explosion damage too. I've hit damage cap with the bubble numerous times. I can link my Breach Surge build if you'd like.

I have a similar Nourish build but I Helminthed over Crush. Because Polarize does nothing to armor stripped enemies I figured that I didn't want to completely strip armor. Nourish also makes the Polarize shards do Viral damage and proc Viral. The Breach Surge build is for solo, Nourish is for team play.


Just FYI you only need 115% power strength to full strip with her 4 if you are also running corrosive projection. Just use a Red Tau shard to cover that and that gives you another mod slot. Great video.


Her Magnetize does Blast Damage, but doesnt apply said Status. Neither does Polarize.
She doesnt apply any Statuses


One of my favorite tricks in a defense/excavation mission is to pull enemies right to the objective and cast a big long lasting bubble on them, and viol la dead enemies and a bullet proof bubble around the defense point.


I'm sure your doing alot of cool stuff in streams but as a youtube guy I would love to see more reflective content like this! Glad the restart is going so well!


Im just about to get my mag for my steel path but I will do a beginner Steel path build but with these video come very handy will that’s why I like you’re videos you break down how to use every frame in a very good way


Mage is goated but the two things i dont/didnt like about mag as someone who started with her are a) fighting toxic eximus units (i hate them with a passion) and b) that it is really hard to understand her abilities as a beginner. My monkey brain used her for the first like 80-100 hrs of gameplay with just 1 and sometimes 3 after i realised this gave me shields. I didnt understand her 2 because I picked the bow and that doesnt really synergize with that ability. Thank you for the nice video!


for every mag enjoyer here or just wanna try it you should using breach surge helminth for her pull get nataruk with gas or blast damage
use fractring crush and magnetize discharge
1 do your bubble
2 breach surge
3 shoot nataruk
4 crush
5 discombobulate your pc
you're welcome


Dang you make me want to try using her. when I was new I ignored her because she looks so basic unlike volt that has lightning and everything I completely regret ignoring her now


Just wanted to say thanks a lot for the build video, especially providing so many builds from free/cheap all the way up. I decided to give Mag a go today thanks to your video and i really enjoyed it. Thank you


I just started this week and Mag rules. Really enjoying pulling the enemies in and slashing them to bits with my first crafted Heat Sword.😂


You've reinvigorated my love for my starter frame mag, I haven't finished formaing her, but I was just reminded of precision intensity and was like wtf am I using umbral intensify? Maybe I'll swap it back after I finish build her, both hit the 100% fracturing crush armour reduction.

Second but more interesting, I one shot (well it was blender, but one bullet fired) a base acolyte with the mighty seer and the bubble. I fired one shot, was like, wait I forgot to armour... and he's dead, neat. In mid cast he died to the mighty seer. The pope would be proud. I have been sleeping on the bubble.

My og starter mag has norish over her bubble, cos melee, early game it is hard to find one good guns, two reasons to use a bubble, but now I am really enjoying it in steel path ^^


Couldn't agree with you more - Mag is a powerhouse and key to her is being active.
I slept on Mag for years, and finally started using her and wow. She is my go to for just damage, damage and damage. I use her a lot for disruption cos bubble and I'm lazy.
If you hate aiming - Mag, need armor strip and don't want to use a helminth and still destroy everything - Mag.
She is just fun to play - energy is the only real issue and lets face it that's not really an issue for later game players. Great suggesting options for newer players to help unleash the Mag-power :)
Also - fashion <3


Took the nourish build out for a spin and had a blast. I do miss pull for yanking mobs into the bubble but this definitely has a place in one of my build slots.


To be fair, Excalibur is able to made it from the begining to the steel path, nothing like a "nuke" sure (except for the weapons itself), but all wf works for that, only if we want to do "big explosion/nuke" stuff is when people actually select stuff


The only thing is mag is a caster and she is amazing but you need descent mods to make her great and energy solutions which are more abundant in the later game.

Excal and Volt are better choices because they just have better survivability with better base health armor stats. You can get mag easily in the starchart as well so the new player can revist the frame early on.

I often tell new players mag is one of the best but she needs good mods you don't have yet it is your choice to choose your frame but always keep in mind mag is a warframe i advise you return to


nice and helpful video. what mag skin is that? i like it.


I was today in elite sanctuary with Poor Nidus..and there was a Mag Guy ..somehow we come to third stage..but i died again and he could not resurrect me..but keep playing, i said to him YOU ARE WIELDING GOD AMONG FRAMES OFC U WILL MAKE IT...and he did..Im Mag main so we had a little chat after..ofc we speak about Builds..guy same as me do not Run Rolling Guard and Prime footed....he was fighting 4 necromecs at one point..Simply there is no Warframe that can be comparable with Mag Power...yes you can chease with invisible Frames in Lvl cap..but you can not Chease Infested lvl cap survival, i think that Mag is only Frame that can do lvl Cap infested Survival solo ...cuz he is a Fastest killer..and there is no other Frame that can Kill fast hoards of lvl 9999 enemys..(I heard that Gauss can nuke lvl cap, but never saw it)..
