Inuit Elders Say The Sun Is Not In The Same Position As Before

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While studying Inuktitut, one of the principal Inuit languages of Canada, I came across this video of Inuit Elders speaking of the sun moving from where it once was.

For more Inuktitut resources, please see:
Words of the Inuit: A Semantic Stroll through a Northern Culture
The Language of the Inuit: Syntax, Semantics, and Society in the Arctic

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As a California girl (now a 58 year old grandmother) the front of my home has always faced the east and my back patios face the west. I was constantly water skiing and playing tennis at the marina, yacht, and tennis club down the street from my house. I always knew what time it was and how late it was getting (to go home for dinner) by where the sun was. Now the sun sets further north (not true west). I recall feeling a shift September of 2008 when I was on my back patio and the air was still and yet the chimes began to move and sound. It was so ominous and at that moment I said to myself, nothing is ever going to be the same again. I have never forgotten that and I never will...


I’m 57 and have lived in the same place here in Alabama my entire life.
The sun has always rose directly in front of my house and has always set directly behind my house as my house faces the eastern sky.
I noticed a year or 2 ago the sun is rising and setting too far to the south now.
Seems to be rising in the southeast and setting in the southwest…it seems odd, off, not natural 🤷‍♀️


Hey man keep it up. Don’t give up. May God protect you at all time and Thank you for the work you do man. DON’T GIVE Can’t wait to witness everything you’ll find ♥️♥️🙏🙏


I live in Bosnian and like a comment here sad i always knew the time just by looking at the sun, but now it's totally different. Every winter my backyard had at least sun light till 2 or 3pm, now it's different. Yesterday we had a sunny day but the sun light in my backyard was gone by noon. Something is not right here.


The magnetic north circles our land every 26, 000 years. Changing winds, climate, pressure and weather.


Thank you for reposting Ewaranon's work 👍


I noticed a few years ago that the moon appeared to be more tilted when it was a half moon than when I was a kid. It’s noticeable different, never considered it’s the Earth that tilted


So much of Ewaranon’s videos I already knew/studied and came to a lot of the same conclusions (although he did def make a lot of new connections I hadn’t before). However, this part of Ewaranon’s video I had a little trouble swallowing at first. But the more I study and ponder the recent events of the world (and watch its leadership squirm since the end of 2019), I am definitely becoming more and more convinced of this map of the world and the ages that are connected to it. It’s pretty incredible, if it’s true!

If one day the sky could be measured and the foundations of the earth explored, only then would he reject the people of Israel because of all they have done. The LORD has spoken.
- Jeremiah 31:37


Sounds like the magnetic pole at the center of the Arctic circle may be shifting/moving; because the Sun is traversing through the greater Earth realm (Terra Incognita). It takes the Sun 26, 000 years to complete one full cycle around through the Terra Incognita. The Sun moves approximately 3 to 4 miles per year. As our entire Antarctic basin moves through the Terra Incognita, there is melting of the ice wall on one side; resulting in floods; while on the opposite side we have lands and land bridges being lifted up, because of oceans being made shallower due to the massive amount of water being sucked up to create new ice wall. This creates constant climate change; but slow enough for plants and animals to migrate and adjust to the changes. Humans, animals and plants are slowly and constantly moving through the greater realm of Terra Incognita. The last time our ancient ancestors were on the same lands we're in currently was between 18, 000 and 26, 000 years ago. Our Antarctic basin represents approximately 8, 000 years from one edge to the opposite edge.


Many of us here know that we are no longer in the same world. What or who made these changes and why, I fear we will only discover when we die, or we may never know.


There are two days that I saw the sun set in the north!!!! Mr.mb333 reported that many people saw the same thing that day! How strange!


Thank you for sharing great information. Keep on sharing, sending tons of love to you and all! 🥰🥰🥰🥰


Hope your journey is going well Ryan stay safe my friend. 🙏🏻♥️🙏🏻


2 hours of daylight compared to 1, that’s a pretty big deal.


I remember watching this video in 2016 and it was older then. This has been going on for a while.


I’m in Chicago and I notice the sun rising in a different spot now in the fall going into winter than in the spring and summer. I think the sun moves farther away in the winter months but still something seems off to me. Makes sense now.


In my watching weather since learning the true nature of where i live, we used to get more west wind than anything and occasionally east. Now we get just as much from the south, more east winds than before and each year we're seeing more and more from the north. 150 miles inland from Washington coast. I have all i need to believe that we truly do live in a world (planet, original meaning of a plane of certain area with lands outside of known areas) such as what Aewar had presented. Other writings serve as very good evidence for this as well as observations alone.


Hey Ryan, have you ever seen the documentary shoot the moon, by Crrow777? He has footage of what people call “the spiritual Sun.” Which is the second Sun that we don’t see, only on special occasion.


I like your translation it’s very accurate



Have you heard of NASA’s Sun Simulator? About 20, 000 ft in the sky is a Sun Simulator that tracks the movement of the Sun and mimics it. If at times the Sun seems smaller or larger or somewhat distorted from it’s spherical shape, you are most likely seeing the hexagon shaped Sun Simulator. Other countries such as Germany and China also have giant Sun Simulators.
