NEW WHIRLWIND MACE META! Better Single target DPS with Spin2Win Barb - Diablo 4 Season 4

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#diablo4 #season4 #diablo
The Meta can shift fast, I try to update the Planners as much as I can. The good thing here is you don't need to change any items, just a couple of passives and your arsenal selection.

00:00 Meta Shift
01:08 Updating Builds
01:32 Why is Mace better
03:16 New Bug
06:12 Mace Setup Comparison & Expertise
10:40 Skill Tree Changes
13:50 Gameplay Mace

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The Meta can shift fast, I try to update the Planners as much as I can. The good thing here is you don't need to change any items, just a couple of passives and your arsenal selection.

00:00 Meta Shift
01:08 Updating Builds
01:32 Why is Mace better
03:16 New Bug
06:12 Mace Setup Comparison & Expertise
10:40 Skill Tree Changes
13:50 Gameplay Mace


Thank you Rob for staying on-top of the meta for us and updating your builds frequently. A lot of us don't have the time time to fish around for this stuff constantly. I'm not sure why anyone would be upset about the constant changes. I'd rather up-to-date builds than not.


Good to see I'm not the only 1 without D4 showing up on my Taskbar when I open it but just a blank icon.


Awesome!! Thank you Barb-nation and Rob for sharing this information. Can't wait to switch over to the 2H Mace after work. Thanks again!!! RAWR!!!!


My problem continues to be fury generation against bosses. While going through the trash mobs it's the best thing in the world. Just swim through everything with max fury and laugh. But even when I come in at full fury from having just done the rest of the run, if the boss isn't dead in the first 10-15 seconds I run out of fury and I can't get it back. And once the mechanism letting me continue to apply damage stops the cooldowns stop getting shortened, so now my shouts don't come back up, and I lose 20% max life and 40% damage reduction. So now the boss will kill me from hitting me before it will give me enough fury to even begin to spin again. This is for the no Ubers version so no Starless Skies to fix the problem. I want to play WW, it's just so fun. But I cannot fight any boss that doesn't die instantly.


For the two handed sword expertise #1 doesn’t that need to be equipped to benefit or get the bleeding damage. And #2 it says it in the text that it only occurs when you kill the enemy.

The reason your lunging strike is proccing bleed is because it’s a slashing weapon and because of your skill board passives. So this is not a bug unless you can test it in a dungeon and it doesn’t occur still.


Thanks for the3 update Rob and let those complaining keep complaining. Who cares about Karens!


That map is still sometimes bugged with long stretches with no monsters. I had one earlier that had 2 packs in the middle and three huge sections with no monsters. It was even worse than before


that made a massive difference to bosses being an issue. thanks dude.


14:49 I so much agree! Like...The fact that you touch enemies and they bleed gives you so much time to speed through the pit runs😂


Hey Rob, what we gonna do now with the Twister Glyph?


Guys about the 2 hand sword expertise, It's not a bug. It is said that only direct damage produces bleed. Dust devils and Templar's are both indirect


One thing not mentioned u lose 40% base bleed on whirlwind. I don't have tyrael's.


00:33 - that's not a mace. That's a thiccaxe, cousin of the piccaxe.


I think the issue with the 2H sword expertise is that it says "20% of *direct damage* which I think means you have to physically hit them, so it won't proc with Tyreals or DD. I could be wrong, could just be a bug.

Also thanks for always updating


I run PIT101 for an hour just now switching between sword and mace. I fly by every pack and monsters bleed all their life way more often when I use sword. I dont have problem with fury so i will keep using sword and hope that Blizzard will fix the bug. Congrat on the German football team anyway Rob.


Bleed bash with skullbreakers aspect hits for crazy physical damage that also stacks bleed, my 30m bleed ticks hit for 200m, because for some reason the damage from skullbreakers can crit, doesn't effect bosses since you can't stun them but you'll roll through elite packs fast. I did a solo pit 111 and my gear is terrible, I can't survive at all but I stun so much that enemies can't hit me, it's a top teir build still but nobody has mentioned the damage skullbreakers aspect can do, your build will make it look as insane as it really is.


Rob, it's normal that the damage increases due to the slower speed of the weapon. The Damage Per Hit will increase, but it won't change the Damage Per Second. The numbers simply adjust to the DPS it can do.


4:20. Don't you need to select 2 handed sword expertise for it to be active? Looks like you had 2 handed axe expertise selected when testing.


Thanks so much for this info Rob, my dmg has skyrocketed on bosses. most go down in about 6-9 seconds ( tier 101-109)
