29 type Tomica Cars sliding down from big black truck Transporter

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Video about 29 type Tomica Cars sliding down from big black truck Transporter car models Transportation by Truck welly cars and more. A big red truck will carry you while finding 32 Tomica (minicars) hidden in various parts of the park. Also pay attention to trucks, sports cars, leisure cars and various types of cars. The big red truck that runs lightly in the park is cool!

#Cars #BiBiCars #DiecastCars
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I have to add this truck to my collection


Silvia de la casa de mi mamá no está bien que te la pases muy bien gracias a Dios vien seré pasiente que me lo que pasa es que ya no me gusta que me lo digas a tu casa y te aparece en la noche y gracias por la información que me lo digas a tu casa y te aparece en la noche y gracias por la información???


Алдын бос екен отырып кете салайыкшы десен, да е койшы кенкелес бiзге бip олен тындап, кетейiк ен болмаса
