[Skill-Capped.com] Gladiator Miirkat - Cataclysm PVP Feral Opener

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In this video I go over the new openers and rotations for Ferals in Cataclysm.

Excited for Feral in Cataclysm but the changes are overwhelming? Check me out on Skill-Capped and I can reteach you the ropes and even prepare you to become a high ranked Feral PVPer in Cataclysm!

Want more examples and clips? Check out the complete video here!
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Just checked this out for the upcoming Cata classic. I remember seeing your content back in the day when I mained mage, and now here I am back at it 13 year later lol. Thanks!


This video was very well done. I really liked the way that you showed abilities at the top of the screen to emphasize the order in which you used them.


Nothing better than seeing a glad feral in action. Gives me hope for our spec! Most of this seems common knowledge to be but the tiger's fury affecting bleeds was a new one to me, as I'd been informed it would increase bleed damage - but only for those 6 seconds. As I usually open hard with berserk on targets that could potentially mess me up it was sort of a forgotten ability to me, something I only used when I needed the energy. I know better now, thanks Miir!


Your video was instructive to the max. I really enjoyed the slowmo explanations. I haven't yet been able to do the Cataclysm thing but I am so very looking forward to the changes. Thanks a ton Miir.


Considering how fast my opener goes (on average, 4.7 seconds with globals) I pop tiger's fury before using my Ravage, and it lasts through application of bleeds


Very informative. Great music, not too loud. Smexy UI and playing skills. I'm subbing! : )


only thing i saw in this video is dont cheap out of your charges, when a mage blinks the second time bear charge, enrage, bash works wonders... and vs. a healer( i know you didint cover it) you can damage twist to get max dmg.. so once you dump your energy go to bear and bash(if dr allows) and mangle/maul, then back to cat with energy to use


Very few videos explain skills this presicely. Very good video, helped me alot!


Great video!

Now there needs to be a whole separate one for correct predatory strike proc usage.

I think it brings Feral to the top of classes with a high skill ceiling.

You can take this class/spec far with correct arena 1 2 3 and focus macro set up.


I got a question, i know that tiger's fury increase the damage by all bleeds, but why don't you use it when your low on energy so you gain the 60 energy when using it? or is it useless to spec?


@Miir You still running with Kurrosaki in arena? Or is kitty cleave not so good anymore?


awesome attention to detail with all of your clarification in the opener description mate, i found it hilarious though how at the end you talked about perfecting the feral rotation, like wow is hard... lolol


@arthas005 this was before the nerf to Glyph of Entangling Roots, Which gave Roots like a 5-10 second CD but it was an instant cast.


Savage Roar is basically used at the frequency Rogues use Slice and Dice. More specifically, it's basically when you are swapping targets and want to use your combo points, or when you are trying to gamble for a needed Predator's Swiftness proc.

White damage is too low in PVP, and with the changes to Savage Roar and the rebalancing of our abilities, it's not a huge concern for a Feral to keep up Savage Roar unless it's at his convenience.


I realize this video is old and things have changed but in the second example of the rotation when mangle doesnt crit, you said to hit tigers fury before rake. I think you should highly consider using tigers fury after rake because you had 40 energy for the rake. Tigers fury when used puts your energy at full so you can instantly rip out of that. Giving you an additional 40 energy for shreds afterwards.


@TheZenoid Tiger's Fury also generates energy, and is best used when you're on low energy. After Pounce, you should still have around 60 energy and a FREE Ravage. By the time you use Ravage, you should have about 70 energy, therefore eliminating the need to use Tiger's Fury.


Very Informative, thank you for posting this. Well spoken and clear. Nice UI too. Did you draw that dark wispy stuff yourself?

I especially liked the graphical representation of the order you used the abilities in being synchronized with the audio.


Now thats well made video tutorial (Going through the rotation, showing every ability tooltip and once more showing whole rotation with ability icons, well done.). Now Im starting to wonder if I should go back to feral from boomkin. :)
By the way, how are you binding your keys? I have been having so much problems on getting proper keybinds on my druid that damn.


Hey Miir. Since Armory is kinda broken, have you been reforging? If so, to what, Mastery?


@Thesgfire Well, as of patch 4.2 Savage Roar got a quite significant buff.
I preffer to use Savage Roar, if I'm rooted and got Rip on my target. I also use Savage Roar to get a Predatory Strikes proc if I need an instant cyclone, and I'm not in range to Maim, Bite or Rip.
