Are we inherently evil? | Slavoj Žižek and Rowan Williams battle over human nature

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Do good and evil exist? What is the purpose of these classifications? Watch Slavoj Žižek and Rowan Williams debate the nature of humanity.

Whether we see humans as essentially good or essentially selfish and violent has been central to our politics, our account of society, and our vision for social progress. But is this very distinction itself a mistake? Recently, Harvard scientists have shown humans to be both the kindest and most malevolent species on the planet. While figures like Hitler and Stalin though responsible for tens of millions of deaths were also remarkably empathetic in aspects of their private lives.

Should we give up the idea therefore that humans are either inherently good or bad and conclude that all of us are both at the same time with potentially profound consequences for our political beliefs? Or is it vital to retain the distinction to alert us to danger and to drive personal and social change? Or more profoundly, are the categories of good and bad themselves the underlying error and unhelpful, and even dangerous, ways of categorising human behaviour?

#GoodAndEvil #SaintAugustine #HumanNature

Slavoj Žižek is a globally renowned philosopher and cultural critic. He is international director of the Birkbeck Institute for the Humanities at the University of London, visiting professor at New York University and a senior researcher at the University of Ljubljana's Department of Philosophy.

Former Archbishop of Canterbury and Master of Magdalene College in Cambridge, Williams is a theologian, poet and author of Being Christian.

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Zizek nails it here: we're masters at constructing a narrative that makes evil acceptable. Isn't that PRECISELY what we're doing?


You can always see the desire for an intellectual brawl in Slavoj.


Rowan has a magnificent speaking voice. I'm very envious.


I like these two in philosophical debate. One is careful, stately, ordered in his presentation of argument, the other is chaotic, irreverent, and seventeen thoughts ahead of everyone including himself at any given moment.


In nomine boni pessimi malorum: the worst of evils are done in the name of the Good.


Slavoj is somewhat a ribbon of light for listener's of theory's, philosophy and Life as a whole. He's a man that must be spectated into educational systems such as humanity, history and agriculture.


No human is intrinsically good, we’re merely only capable of doing good.


There is a commentary to verse 69 of the Dao De Jing: "Constantly dragging your adversary around with you will cause you to lose your greatest treasure". The adversary is duty and reason, the greatest treasure is playfulness and compassion.
Verse 69 (fragment): "There is no greater misfortune than feeling: "I have an enemy". For when "I" and "enemy" exist together, there is no room left for my treasure." (Translation: Star, J.)


I can't tell if I enjoyed more Žižek's theological reference to "penis erection" or Williams' reaction to it.


'Evil' is not comprehensive enough; colossal liars on a scale humanity has not seen before, literally living off of human misery around the world; faking terror against yourselves in order to justify wars from which you materially benefit at the expense the beleaguered of the world; EVIL just doesn’t quite cut it.


We are the most evil known beings. That's a universal truth.


I don't wanna be the guy who cleans Slavoj's mic.


Philosophy plays twister when it attempts to attach abstract values to an essentially dynamic existence


Can you please put the date of the debate in your description because how are we meant to know if this was yesterday or months ago? I have a feeling it’s not new


Rowan Williams is one of the greatest philosophical minds alive today, while also being astoundingly humble. Zizek (and a great many other popular commentators and public intellectuals) could to learn a few things from his careful, considered communication style, not to mention his simple gentleness.


I think good and evil are in all of us. We are taught the difference and socially directed to the side we agee with or are coerced to, usually by operating within or against a group.


They skipped the necessary step of defining what they mean by "good" and "evil." Like most adjectives & adverbs (and some verbs) they're misleading linguistic shorthands that actually refer to an underlying comparison. In this case, the comparisons are the "better than" relation (for good) and the "worse than" relation (for evil or bad). A sensible definition of an "evil" behavior is a behavior that's worse than at least one feasible alternative behavior. And a sensible definition of a "good" behavior is a behavior that's not worse than any other feasible behavior.
Modern systems of justice recognize the importance of comparing what was actually done to what could have been done instead, when ruling whether an action was criminal and how severe the punishment should be.
Okay, now restart the debate please.


He should have added dangerous as well, however you are and what you can do, you will affect others, will you do so in a good way, bad way, decent way, neutral way.


just gonna pretend Rowan Williams is Terry Pratchett if nobody minds


Let's have an intellectual rumble, a clash of minds,
As Žižek and Williams, their thoughts unwind.
Are we inherently evil, or does goodness prevail?
In the arena of ideas, they both set sail.

Žižek, with his wit and radical view,
Challenges conventions, old and new.
He argues for the darkness within,
Where desire and chaos forever spin.

Williams, with wisdom and faith in his stride,
Seeks the light in humanity's tide.
He sees in us the potential for good,
A spark of divinity, misunderstood.

In this battle of ideologies, they stand tall,
Each defending their view, amidst the brawl.
Are we born with sin, or born to grace?
In the depths of our souls, where do we place?

Evil and goodness, in constant debate,
In the hearts of humanity, their fate.
Žižek and Williams, they spar and contend,
In the search for truth, until the end.

So let us ponder this question profound,
As their words echo, without a sound.
For in the struggle to understand our nature,
Lies the key to our collective future.
