Stageflow Quick Start | LED Screen Mapping | Resolume Plugin Tutorial

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How to use the Stageflow plugin to quickly and easily remap your content to complex LED stages. We cover all of the basics to get you up and running and ready to map your next gig with Stageflow!



Stageflow is a plugin developed by Hybrid Constructs that makes it quick and easy to remap your standard VJ Content to complex LED Stage designs with a simple drag and drop interface.

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What questions do you have about Stageflow?


Another great part of StageFlow is scaling up your slices. You showed it in your tutorial but I think it bears mentioning of why this is so important.

On a festival stage, often, you have different pixel pitches for each wall. By scaling your slices you can compensate for these different pixel pitches and have a properly scaled image across your entire composition. If the stage render is made appropriately then you can really on the stage render as a guide to accomplish this. However, it is always a good practice to test this on-site because as any touring VJ knows things change.


Great tutorial! I have been an early user of StageFlow and it has completely changed my workflow. A couple practices I’ve found that work well is keeping a consistent order of your looks. For example, I have been touring with the same artist all year using different show files for different sets. If I keep the same order, Look one the whole stage, look 2 just the upstage, look 3 the dj booth; then every time I make a new stageflow setup, my looks will still stay the same within my composition. Obviously this doesn’t always work because each stage is different but sometimes it does and it speeds up my workflow.

Another big thing is where you put your stageflow. I never put my stageflow on my composition. I always put it on the clip level and launch columns with multiple clips that have stageflow on each clip so that I have my clips mapped to different elements of my stage. This is crucial because you can’t have stageflow on your composition if it is already on a clip or you will map it twice and look horrible.

Another great tool is the mirror function within stageflow. Sometimes I like to have different screens mirrored on the X axis so that my stage is more dynamic.

I’ve been meaning to make a tutorial for years now but you crushed this so thank you!


So much better than the basics tutorial I did! <3 u long time, Sean


stageflow is amazing! Joris really gave us a treat with this and chaser.


Sean, this is a game changer. I love this. It makes it so much simpler. I am going to grab a copy for sure. Thanks for the discount!!


nice! watching this video makes me want to get it!


i actually set up the rig in the beginning of the video stage 8 edc! the design is changing this year ironically .


thanks Sean, so good video, very helpfull


very nice tut brother Sean. i must say for led screens and especially the space outs between the led rectangles is key to a good "full screen" visual on the whole setup type of show, sadly - most of my setups are not like that... this is quite easy to solve without any stageflows, controlling or even setting up = organic & layered slices are not easy at all... at least not in resolume or stageflow at the moment. i do my work around which work, but its still feel like someone didn't think about it all the way through...
There 's a lingering problem with the whole method resolume is treating input maps & output maps. most effects work on & with the input map not the actual output map is just one of the problems.
i usually work with stages where the slices are in layers - one on top of the other, organic slices in psy-trance & techno stages which are basically a painting...
so next mission for stage flow is = Layering & dealing with organic input maps (which are not square or far apart form each other)...
we discussed this in my interview with you ;)


I’d be all over that discount code if I didn’t already own 3 copies of stageflow. Don’t sleep on it viewers!!


Hi Sean, thank you very much for this very good tutorial on stage flow, would it be possible for you to add the stage representation guide to your DropBox, in order to reproduce your example as an exercise 🙂 Thank You Very Much !!!!


These might be stupid questions. Do the venues for festivals provide all the dimensions for the screen mapping? Also, for small gigs, do you usually improvise, or you are given dimensions for the LED screen or projector's screens?


Dear sir two different screen mapping output and show similar composition


Thanks for the quickstart!
Is the discount code still active? I'm not seeing one in the description.


But you can do the same thing with mad mapper


What software you use for the input diagram?


My background is media servers. WatchOUT, Pixera, Ventus, Vertex, Kinetic/Player, etc. In my world both screens and negative space are taken into account. If I have two 1920x1080 screens with a physical gap in between I am doing calculations to convert physical space to pixels (200 pixels in this example/question). Generally that gap is handled in content creation. I create a 4040x1080 comp in AE, create the content across the entire canvas, and then crop down two 1920x1080 outputs justified left and right. When I play that back a ball flying between screens will maintain its speed and not "jump" the gap between surfaces.

I am wondering how StageFlow can/would help with that scenario with Resolume?

So far in Resolume, for the same setup, I am creating a 4040x1080 project with two 1920x1080 slices, again left/right justified with a 200-pixel gap between, and mapping that to a 3840x1080 output, no gap. If I fly a 200x200 pixel wide element across the screens it will completely "disappear" in the "space" between the two screens (this is the desired outcome).

If everything is setup like your input map (no gaps), is StageFlow compensating for the gaps somehow?


Can I use different looks for each level from my composition? Pasting the effect stageflow not in composition but in the levels


How can I go about updating stage flow? I currently downloaded the “latest release” but it’s v.1.0.3 I see you’re on 1.4
