This is Beyond Happiness (Nonduality)

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This is Beyond Happiness (Nonduality)
Nearly every person wants to be happy, to feel happiness (and avoid sadness). But, when the person falls away, it is seen that there never was anyone being happy or sad. There was and always has been, just Being.

“I am happy,” or “I am sad,” are just thoughts arising, the same as “this is good,” or “that is bad.” Their appearance means nothing, there’s no reason to follow or ponder why they’re appearing. Of course, if following or pondering happens, that’s ok too! Everything is allowed, it can’t be otherwise.

What Is is beyond happiness, prior to the thoughts “happy” or “sad.” It is full acceptance of everything, but this shouldn’t be confused with the action “I am accepting this,” that implies there is a person who can be accepting something. There’s only what’s happening.

All of that said, let’s get on with the video.

“Nothing can make you happier than you are. All search for happiness is misery and leads to more misery. The only happiness worth the name is the natural happiness of conscious being.”
- Nisargadatta Maharaj


✨Absolute Awareness ✨

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