The Genius of the INFP

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#infp #intp #16personalities

Luann Snapchat - @luknepp
Luann Instagram - @luannknepp

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This ended up being short and sweet but it felt right (as an INFP might say), there'll be longer videos in the future, promise!


INFP is like watching beloved puzzles, holding solid explanations, but not being able to speak up. It is being an introvert but liking people. It is debating whether to post this comment. It is looking at a sentence so long that the words feel weird.


I'm an INFP and people tell me I'm way too nice, or way too stubborn there's usually no in-between


Catch me watching this video to fuel my ego only to hate myself for it later


As INFPs, do you feel as though you live through the mind of an artist? That sounds weird, but like, you look at the sky and think, “Look how beautiful.” And everyone is like, “It’s a sky. Like what?”


"I don't think Dumbledore is an INFP. So, chill out."
Stop sassing me before I sass you.


When you are an INFP but have no creative talents, it's difficult to express yourself in creative ways


It’s refreshing to hear someone who actually understands our inner strengths. I’m an INFP and I’m 22. My dad is an ESTJ, so you can imagine the conflict we’ve dealt with. I had a conversation with him the other day where he finally seemed to get where I was coming from on things. To him, life is a game plan that you map out a year ahead, five years ahead. You dot your is and cross your ts and hope that’s enough. Dreams aren’t anything to base decisions off of. For me, life is an open canvas that I have no idea what it will contain one year to the next. I got my degree in psychology but I’m not particularly attached to that career or any. I’m moving soon across the country with some savings and don’t have much of a plan, but that’s what’s gotten me through life so far is following inspiration where it takes me and letting things unfold. It’s stressful sometimes, being that dependent on love for life to get me through, but it’s really a beautiful way to live and it’s something infps inherently have as their default and I wouldn’t have it any other way


Personally, I've always been amazed how quickly INFP can size people up and gow good their understanding of a human nature is.


it took me a long time to accept the fact that fantasy is as real as reality. now i just take it for granted and my life is much happier.


I've always liked being an outsider—are there many INFP that don't?
And people always doubt me & think I'm just making excuses when I say, "You wouldn't understand what's going through my head." Hahaha—but it's true.


There is a reason why INFPs are one of my favourite types. Their uncompromising views on their principles, the way they know exactly what they stand for fascinates me. I have a good friend who's an infp (i think) and one of the most beautiful thing about him is how he's always been there for me, and taught me how there are some things in life you can't buy, and those are, for some weird reason, the most amazing aspects of life itself. U can be successful, and u should be, but not in the expense of your happiness. And i'm like 'Love the philosophy and all, but I'll be happy if you get back to work, coz at the end of the day, we all need the paycheck!' (loved the harry potter ref.)


Is not about being stubborn nor being a values superiority. We are simply designed this way of deeply knowing the brightest of the lights and the darkest of dark of this world and everything in between.


What INFPs and INFJs have in common is we both see the beauty and complexity of reality itself. INFJs see it by looking deep into the souls of other people, whereas INFPs see it by looking deep into themselves.


“I’d rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I’m not”
- Kurt Cobain (a very very INFP person)

“I don't think I'm easy to talk about. I've got a very irregular head. And I'm not anything that you think I am anyway.”
- Syd Barrett (also INFP)


Does anyone else feel like they are creative - just dont know how to express it?? Like im not good at anything. Drawing, painting, music whatever... i just feel like my mind is


I really liked what you said in the end, that human beings have the ability to get used to almost anything, and that we need people who are sometimes uncompromising with their principles. It's very true, people easily forget what is righteous and good when they get used to something, and things that are bad can easily be distorted and disguised as good. It's important that there are still those who won't compromise on their principles


This was the nicest description of my chameleon, shape-shifting, animorph abilities in social settings. You call it a genius trait, most people just call it being


(1:00) "INFPs … can bring their worlds to us, or, should I say more accurately, bring us into theirs, " and (1:10) "by letting their creativity out, they let people in.'
Nathan's videos are almost assured of giving us a single one-liner pearl that demonstrates the quintessence of the type, in this instance, the INFP.


My INFP aunt said to me shortly before she passed away, "you see, in life its what you get used to".
That is one of the most profound things i ever heard, because it says to me, 'be carefull what you get used to'.
