What a Forensic Accountant does (A complete guide to forensic accounting)

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Not sure what a forensic accountant does or considering forensic accounting as a career? I walk through in detail what a forensic accountant does and why a business would need one in this video.

In this video I explain what a forensic accountant does, how to become a forensic accountant, and what you need to consider when selecting a forensic accountant to work with you.

About me: My name is David Malamed. I am an experienced forensic accountant and fraud investigator that has investigated, reported, testified and authored expert Forensic Accounting and Investigative reports accepted and used in civil, criminal and public inquiry proceedings.

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Call: 1(888) 777-4416

#forensicaccountant #forensicaccounting #fraud #fraudinvestigation #fraudster
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I started off my career as an Auditor and I’m really interested being Forensic Accountant. Uncovering fraud for me is one of the best achievements when auditing. Thanks for this video. 🙏🙌 Keep it up.


Cool video, thanks! I've been pondering over what accounting specialization I'd like to pursue and forensic sounds very intriguing


Thank you for clarifying on the role of forensic accountant. You gave me light on my way to becoming a forensic accountant and I can't wait starting the journey.


I was always interested in money laundering as a kid, and I heavily considered getting into it, but recently I found out there’s jobs to combat money laundering, and it’s super interesting. I’m in school for my finance degree and now I’m considering in switching over to my forensic accounting degree


This video was very helpful! I've been applying to internships and the main ones I'm applying to are for Forensic Accounting.


Am in Kenya taking CPA . Currently a student in section V with one section to go and ill be through with CPA. I came across this topic of FORENSIC AUDITING and boom! i knew that this is where my heart lay. Unfortunately i have not come across any instituition of higher learning in Kenya that offers the course. i felt desperate and low. But i will have to major in Auditing. Am grateful for this information and i will learn more from you. Awesome work sir. Keep it up!!


Thank you for the video. I was looking at a possible career change into accounting and this sounds perfect for me


This career sounds VERY interesting. Really insightful, thank you.


I think forensic accounting seems fascinating. I adopted a fascination of forensics after learning of the resolution of a Canadian case associated with this Human Trafficking pyramid. The last girl who escaped a couple of kidnappers was part of a family who were originally Human Trafficked of circa 1971, exactly the same as my family 2 years after. Thanks to forensics, the location she had been kept in was revealed as the murder scene of every other child who had been there years & years & years earlier. All murdered terribly, with violent blood stains up the walls & years of redecorating over the protein that eventually revealed the truth. The use of bombs strapped to children as coercive attempts has been known to dissuade people from wanting involvement of the resolution, yet when statutory remit says that resolution is via particularly sources, the absence or reluctance of those Departments in resolution suggests Corruption, thus entitling me & others striving in similar reasoning, with resolution of the pyramid crimes as the purpose, to garner the involvement of Departments & personnel from other sources beyond the remit of suspicion of Corruption.
Thanks to electronic listening & global rfid transmitter & receptor device to device smart networking, especially fibre optics, the garner of evidence & the opportunity that offers rsvp vip invitees into the listening channels, is now much easier.
England almost certainly does have forensic Departments involved with Anti-Fraud, yet most have got the equivalent of Strategic partnerships with police & detectives who are part of the original employment mechanism infrastructure who were culpable of the 1970s Human Trafficking, thus may opt to try making deals or just being less professional than is desirable. I used to work in a licensed betting shop as Branch Management as part of the Racing & Sport industry. Security & Accounts Departments described my work as exemplary, when less than a penny differential on a daily weekly & monthly accountancy balance was the equivalent of the entire sheet being wrong.
Where I live is subjected to multiple virtual networks and silent (though they're not quiet) neural networks that I do understand as similar to fibre optic global grids (I used to have a fibre optic lamp that taught me more than enough). With neural transmission via smart device, the garner of truth is much easier, yet forensically, I'm sure it just starts the tracing at the other end of the equation, tracking back from the confession to the start, verifying each step of the route. I'm sure many may be curious why, when the truth is that easy, yet the learning from & the analysis, and helping shape future efforts of prevention & resolution are also fascinating.


Thank you! As I’ve been keen on studying accounting in the following year, I would love to see if this a possibility as a major!


I’m a retired engineer. If I were to do it all over again, I’d seriously consider becoming a forensic accountant.


Thanks much. I appreciate your indepth explanation. I want to become a Forensic Accountant


Thank you so much for sharing! This was super informative! I’m graduating in Dec and plan on taking my cpa soon. This is the career path I would like to take and would love any tips on how to get there!


I have nothing to do with accounting at all, but that this was an interesting insight into this career. Thanks!


Thank you for sharing! It was super informative and enlightening. I'm convinced I'd like my accounting concentration to be in forensics/fraud.


I can’t wait to get my degree and become a forensic account 😊


Such a great video. Appreciate your efforts. I love it


If I get my MSC in Accounting and Finance in about 10-12 years time, I will be fully qualified in forensics and pretty much every other area of accounting. 👍


This amazing video. You can learn alot about human nature through computers


Oh wow I was about to switch careers to accounting and have been interested in this. I gather the government agencies could use this specialty.
