ISR - Incremental Static Regeneration 🚀 || #7 || Next Js Course for Absolute Beginners

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ISR - Incremental Static Regeneration 🚀 || #7 || Next Js Course for Absolute Beginners
In this video we are going to add the ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration) to the post page where user can view the post and we are going use sag (state side generation) to get the data from supabase. Supabase is one of the best platforms that provide database management system with storage facilities for all types of users and the best part is that it provides a documentaion based on your tables. It also provides password less authentication using magic link! This is really awesome
And in this course you are going to learn the basics and build a real time blog powered by #supabase and the deploy it to #vercel at the last of the series. Hope you are going to enjoy it!
#nextjs #webdevelopment #htmlcss #supabase #isr
#website #tailwindcss #incrementalstaticregeneration
In this video we are going to add the ISR (Incremental Static Regeneration) to the post page where user can view the post and we are going use sag (state side generation) to get the data from supabase. Supabase is one of the best platforms that provide database management system with storage facilities for all types of users and the best part is that it provides a documentaion based on your tables. It also provides password less authentication using magic link! This is really awesome
And in this course you are going to learn the basics and build a real time blog powered by #supabase and the deploy it to #vercel at the last of the series. Hope you are going to enjoy it!
#nextjs #webdevelopment #htmlcss #supabase #isr
#website #tailwindcss #incrementalstaticregeneration