Finnish Knitting Stories - WIP special - All the truth about my WIPs

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Finnish Knitting Stories - WIP special - All the truth about my WIPs

Some of my WIPs:
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Hey we have all been there . Thanks for taking the time to share again . I am new here so will go back and watch more . Xoxo jan


That's not too bad! I love that colorful blanket on your couch!!!


I really love seeing your video. I am still watching.


you are amongst friends here I looked at the pile and thought .... so few :) Great motivator to clean up my own act . Kx


Nice to see that I am not the only one with A LOT of wips - I even have more than you, twice as much ore more.
One day I maby will go through them all, but right now I just try to finish at least two wips before starting a new project. 🤗


Yes I am still here ☺️ and loving it.. I have 6 knitting WIPS, 3 embroidery.


Congratulations on 6, 000+ I'm addicted....LOVE your music choices! Look forward to your next post, I miss you!


Wow! That was really fun! Now I want to go upstairs and find all my many, many wips up there. The oldest one I can remember was a little sweater for my 2 year old daughter with bunnies and carrots...and now she just turned 30!


Honey, I wish I only had your wips! I have two rooms with them all over the place.


I enjoyed watching this. I have been very sick with the Virus for 3 weeks, today is the first day I got on UTUBE. I was so careful to stay home and away from people and I still got it. Do to careless people that went to a concert and then invited my daughter and her boyfriend over to fix their washier knowing they were all sick. I can not taste or smell and this cough is so painful. I need to go through my WIPS and sort them out. I really love watching your videos.


Oh the Lovenote will be beautiful too! I would like to make that one someday. Ive never made a sweater yet! Soon!


I laughed with you as I have Unidentified Objects as well from years ago! I have been having a ripping party....I have cast on parties too....before I finish what I am working on and then it gets put aside. I need to finish so many that only need a few rows. Then there are the unfinished needlepoint and cross stitch projects think I am not motivated to knit now since I have so much around me. I think I will make this the year of sorting and donation. What fun watching you with all your WIPS! Don't worry about the light, it is just so enjoyable to visit with you on You Tube!!! As long as you are there all is


Oh my gosh the amount of WIPs you have...I really enjoyed watching you going through them. You are so funny.


I love that you have your Grandmother’s knitting basket ❤️


You are so Brave!!! Most of us would never admit to having so many WIP's (but we do!), let alone share them with the world LOL


I only have 2-3 wips at the same time, because i can't handle more 😅 I love your podcast, thank you so much for sharing your stories!


Haha I am not alone with all the WIPS and bags! Inspiring me to drag it all out and see what I have. I see now I enjoy the planning part new yarn new patterns but I am a very slow knitter and so get little finished before the next creative bug. Ps I have WIPs older than you are. Thanks for sharing. Another great visit


Oh gosh now that my daughter Abby knows what a WIP is, we're having quite a laugh over here as we find more of my WIPs stashed in various places around the house that I forgot about. This...after bragging to her during this episode that I only had a couple of WIPs (though LOADS of yarn from formerly contemplated WIPs LOL). Oh Karma!! Thanks so much for this episode; it's sooo great!!


Definately finish the Pink Andrea Mowery Sweater! Just do a couple rows a day and put it down so you dont get overwhelmed. That looks like it will be well worth it! Maybe for each project give yourself a deadline and strive for that goal for completion. Im working on my WIPs and set a goal that I am not buying anymore yarn until I get what I have finished. Having self control is the real challenge. It feels so good to get projects finished also! Looking forward to seeing your beautiful sweaters!


Very funny, but, well done! You have do it with the KonMari Method ;) ask youself by every WIP do you feel joy or not. So, let some go, don't feel bad, to be creativ sometime it needs to switch. Sometimes its only the process, sometimes the progress that makes knitting lovely. Enjoy it :)
