What Happened to England?

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What happened to England? Has the entire UK become a 3rd world country? They call Broken Britain, and my heart is certainly broken because of what has happened to my beloved England.

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What is happening to Europe is the one of the greatest betrayals of a population by their own government in human history


Uk citizen here country I knew as a child is gone ...finished 😢


You’re absolutely spot on Bjorn. I’m English and this place has become a filthy dumping ground. It’s heartbreaking to see such destruction of our beautiful country.


It’s so refreshing to hear somebody from outside say what they see. As an Englishman myself I feel like I’m talking to a wall or other people just don’t acknowledge the decline in uk culture. At least I know I’m not going insane now


I am English. Absolutely hate was has become of my country. I loathe our politicians.


I'm English born & and bred, and I hate my own country now. Everything you say is correct. It's a dark, unhappy, unstable, uncivilised society now, every one for themselves, and politeness has been replaced by pessimism and aggression. The UK is nothing more than a failing economic zone for foreign vultures to come in and purge the last remnants of a once successfully functioning economy. Millions of migrants on welfare, never contributing, and always taking. Finally, the rampant corruption across the board; government, judiciary, the establishment, the elites, the corporations - they've caused ALL of this, ALL by design. The UK I grew up in has gone, and it will never, ever, return. And sadly, there's nothing absolutely nothing anyone can do about it. Voting didn't get us here - the lying politicians did. We've been sold.


I'm an Englishwoman and I have to say Bjorn, you care more about what's happened to this country than a lot of the people I know. I'm furious and heartbroken about its decline.


Hi I live in London I wanted to thank you for your heartfelt honest opinion
many of us here do feel exactly as you said it’s so sad to witness our great nation and our British ways being diluted and destroyed, people being treated like strangers in our own country it is truly heartbreaking
Thank you for caring much love
Enjoy your day 💚


As an Englishman I really appreciate you covering this. Thank you for your voice.


I'm a Scotsman living in Bristol, England. I've been in England since the eighties and the changes I've seen have been dramatic. It's a filthy, angry, dumbed down and increasingly violent place. Different cultures have brought different beliefs, values and interests. We are a fractured and divided society that is indeed on a "downward spiral" as you put it. It breaks my heart, it really does. These new peoples have no loyalty to this country or love for the people of this country. Many of them actively hate us. It's an invasion and a takeover and it has been facilitated by our own leaders. They have sold us out to the globalists. The same thing is happening in Ireland and all over Europe. They will come for Norway too my friend.


In the UK rudeness, lack of manners, entitlement, inarticulacy and stupidity are rewarded, whereas being kind, considerate and intelligent are punished. All very inverted and the politicians are the ones leading us into darkness.


English lady here. I'm so sad what has happened to this one green and pleasant land. Now I feel like a stranger in my own country. This place is destroyed.


I’m English and every day I see evidence of what you’re saying. It saddens me that our culture, be it English or British, is being eroded. And our government supports it.


I'm a proud Englishman of 72, today I am deeply saddened by the present situation in my home country. You have explained precisely what most people dare not voice.
Have a nice day.


I'm Irish but I've lived in England for 3/4 of my life and I can tell you it's turned to shit.


Appreciate you speaking our minds. You made a man cry by the end. Proud to be English brother! You speak the language perfectly!


I'm British. I really appreciate you saying this. It feels like the story of Britain is over. We've decided obliterating 1000+ years of a very special history is the height of virtue.


Bjorn your English is excellent. As always you are 100% accurate in what you say.


corrupt, bent, politicians, that's what happened to England


I would pay money just to sit around a campfire with Bjorn and listen his wisdom.
