90 Minutes of Turkish Conversation Practice - Improve Speaking Skills

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If you understand Turkish but can't speak it, this video is for you because we will help you improving your Turkish speaking skills!

You've decided to start learning Turkish, so let's get you speaking like a Turkish native speaker! In this video, you'll learn everything you need to know to improve your pronunciation and speaking skills Turkish, in 90 minutes. If you want to start learning Turkish, this video is made for you. Our host express themselves in simple Turkish, with subtitles. This video will challenge your listening comprehension skills and help you progress in your Turkish study.

This is the fastest, easiest way to pick up basic Turkish!

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This Channel is Under rated! it's the best channel for learning turkish!!


Thank you di
I will always be grateful to you


overall, a very useful video. we can better absorb the language this way.


garson - waiter / waitress
siparis vermek - to order
tatli - dessert
sef - chef
hesap - check
restoran - restaurant


chef has the same pronounciation in english as sef. chief is another word meaning a boss


...ama BANYO "RESTROOM" değil (15dk)


Selina l want chat with u a bout my Turkish language.


cok yakisiklisin - youre very handsome
cok akillisin - youre very smart
sen muthis bir arkadassin - you're an awesome friend
iyi is cikardin - great job!
harika gorunuyorsun - you look gorgeous
cok guzelsin - you're very beautiful
son zamanlarda nasilsin? - how have you been recently?
fena degilim - im not bad
kotu hissediyorum - im feeling bad
idare ediyorum - im doing okay
idare edar - so so
her zamanki gibi - same as always
sordugun icin tesekkurler - thank you for asking
nette sorf yapmak - to surf the net
cirmek - to draw
satranc oynamak - to play chess
yuzmek - to swim
kavun - melon
oturma odasi - living room
yemek odasi - dining room
mutfak - kitchen
banyo - bathroom
camasir odasi - laundry room
kirmizi - red
sari - yellow
mavi - blue
yesil - green
pembe - pink
