Mark Olly ~ CRYSTAL SKULLS & HUMAN HEADS as well as UFOs

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Everything Else Show: Special guest, author Mark Olly seamlessly combines the disciplines of archaeology, geology, science, and human studies, to push the boundaries of human existence wider in both directions and increase our appreciation of just exactly what the human race could potentially be capable of achieving.

BIO: Mark Olly was born in 1962 in Warrington, England, and educated at Appleton Hall County Grammar School, Warrington College Of Art & Design, the University Of Liverpool Institute Of Extension Studies field archaeology unit, various business schools, and El-Shaddai College Of Advanced Ministry U.K. Manchester where he obtained a Certificate Of Ministry (Ct.Min.AP) and Diploma Of Biblical Studies (Dip.BS.AP).

For over 22 years he worked as a professional musician, live DJ, compare, and in music management, founding Angelharp Music, Unicorn Entertainments Agency Ltd. and Legendthink Ltd. (one of the first ‘multi-media’ promotions companies in the world) before moving on to pursue a solo career as a writer, archaeologist and television presenter. This career has so far taken him to all parts of the UK, France, Egypt, Norway, Italy, Bulgaria, Cyprus, South America, Turkey, Malta, and North Africa in search of the ancient and the mysterious.

His hobbies include collecting antiques and geological specimens, Dark Age, Celtic and Medieval costumed re-enactment, staging occasional exhibitions and live events, public speaking, and investigating ancient sites.

He has seven major books in print, appeared on Carlton Television’s ‘The History Detectives’, wrote and presented all three seasons (22 episodes) of ITV Granada’s award nominated ‘Lost Treasures’ adventure archaeology series, has presented for Sky History Channel, writes, presents and directs DVD’s for US media giant Reality Entertainments / Reality Films, wrote and directed four Music Videos for International US band Hayseed Dixie, three for Sacred Wind’s 2014/15 Christmas charity single, and one for Metall Hose, occasionally appears in movies, and recently played drum sessions with bands Soul Path, Wolf and Copperworm.

He is visiting lecturer at Wilsmlow Guild and the University Of Chester, occasionally heads up his own archaeological unit, and runs his own DVD production and props company MythCo.
#CrystalSkulls #HumanHeads #AncientSkulls
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Did Mr. Olly ever have his crystal skull examined? I too am an archeologist (technically a archeoastronomer) and find these artifacts interesting. What I don't like is that without the provenance, and the location of the dig site where *any* skull comes from makes the provenence apocryphal IMHO. It's all about context, and without that, all you have is a really pretty artifact. Has Mr. Olly published any scientific papers about his find? Without publication in a peer reviewed journal, then it's basically his opinion about the skull, rather than any real science. According to his own CV he: "...was born in 1962 in Warrington, England, and educated at Appleton Hall County Grammar School, Warrington College Of Art & Design, University Of Liverpool Institute Of Extension Studies field archaeology unit, various business schools, and El-Shaddai College Of Advanced Ministry U.K. Manchester where he obtained a Certificate Of Ministry (Ct.Min.AP) and Diploma Of Biblical Studies (Dip.BS.AP)" which doesn't show that he's a real archeologist, just that he took extension classes at the University of Liverpool. This is known as pseudo-science (Pseudoscience consists of statements, beliefs, or practices that claim to be both scientific and factual but are incompatible with the scientific method) and does not represent anything scientific. The dolichocephalic heads he refers to have been proven to be human, and were made by binding the skull over time, thus deforming them into the shape we see today. Even the Flathead Indians of North America practiced a form of this cranial deformation. The Human Genome Project discovered that there's no non-human codon's, or pieces of DNA that come from other species except other Homo species like Denisovan, Neanderthal, etc. The 9.8 billion years for life origination assumes a linear development, which may of may not be accurate. There's no evidence to suggest a completely linear development. The British Museum says this about crystal skulls: "...Its examinations and the fact that no such skull has ever been uncovered at an official archaeological excavation led the British Museum to extrapolate that all of the famed crystal skulls are likely fakes...). As to Kirlian Photography, it is merely a natural reaction of photographic film to the corona effect of high voltage electrical energy, which makes it a simple light trick, and nothing more. Quartz crystal has a hardness of 7 to 7.5 on the Mohs scale, making it a fairly hard substance. But it can be worked by hand, it would just take a very long time to shape. Also, as a crystal, it would be easy to fracture, not unlike diamond cutting in which cleavage planes dictate where cuts are to be made. Quartz is more metamorphic in it's crystalline structure, which lends to easy fracturing when machining it. Quartz has no cleavage and breaks with a fracture that ranges from conchoidal to irregular. Not knowing the provenance of a known dig site where the 5cm skull was discovered is extremely odd. Unless the digsite is under protection by the government, or the dig hasn't been documented for prepublication, then there should be something in the record about such a site, and its finds. Sounds really odd to me, having done over a dozen digs in meso america, and Mexico. The antiquities trade is frought with frauds, and legitimate dealers sometimes do acquire illegitimate finds, which degrades their reputation. As a certified forensic osteologist, I see a lot of real skulls that the owner met with an unfortunate end. Most skulls that are made of crystal only represent a rough skull shape, but their morphology is obviously rough cut, and should be considered as representational only. The Mitchell-Hedges skull was purchased at an auction at Southby's in 1943. The Smithsonian study in 2008 shows evidence of high-speed cutting tools on Mitchell-Hedges skull. I highly doubt that it's authentic based upon these analyses.


Martin, have you ever thought there may be a connection between humanities ancient past (before the younger dryas catastrophe) and UFOs?


It’s weird how now we are talking about being hybrids and people are open to it mind blowing
