144000 Light Workers Survive the Apocalypse/Tribulation By Awakening Humanity Before Polar Shift

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The 144,000 are Light Workers Sent to Awakening Humanity before the Day of the LORD. They will survive the Apocalypse/Tribulation Enlightening Humanity Before Polar Shift

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We are the Noah’s of our generation, we each have to build our ark of light


Here its saying Light is energy and matter and this means those who progressively evolve until we meet Orphanim and Adam Kadom will have a matter body that will experience quantum higher dimentional effect like those extraterrestrial beings. I am really blessed as I had always trying to understand different dimensions of the Words which Christ spoke and taught the Disciples and answering every questions which the Pharasis and Sadduces raised.


I always knew I wasn't superman thou I wanted to be so I could help others but in my heart of heart I believe the father hollowed be his name to redeem


Thanks for sharing.
Psalm 149.


Thanks bro. Light is truth. Lightbearers, hold the truth about God. They have been led to truth, by the holy-spirit. We vibrate at higher levels. Many are drawn to us, we change environment s. Its the truth that makes uou a lightbearer. The problem is most believers think they know the truth about God, and have seen the light, but they are still in darkness. The holy-spirit works with his chosen, they are able to see truths, others do not. You must know the father and son to gain eternal life. Most will fall from lack of knowledge. Its the wrong beliefs, diverted faith, not seeking god after being called by the Holy-spirit, is how you lose your reward. Blessings of the kingdom, remember thy kingdom will come, and Gods will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. The meek inherit the earth, these are teachable, those who have ego, will not listen to lightbearers, those prophesying, in the last days, will shine light on the world, its the believers who by their ego and pride, set in a church/belief system, who will be in danger. The kingdom is the rulership of Christs chosen leaders, to rule over parts of the earrh.1peter 2:9 rev 5:listen to an aquarian. I won't tell you who will rule after this kingdom/beast is modern America /uk/ armageddon is a battle for world dominance.


Greetings and Salutations to all:

I've not been ignoring any of you. I've quietly watch and have been praying for you.

Setting aside myself, "In consecration, devotional study, prayer before my Heavenly Parents. So, they may continue to Instruct me with the messages to give to our people....

All people.

God bless you both (My adoptive Parents in this Earthly Kingdom within the School of Life, it's many Teachers of every Level (Class). Whom are Administrating a variety of different lessons, Study Courses, Trials and Test to the billions of students attending this school of life. Full of those that represent one of the 12 Teachers (12 Apostles, 12 Students 12 Teacher, 12/Ages of The Most High Heavenly Parents Time Clock, 12 Star Signs).

I pray that have a bless experience today.

I hope these words left here this day; Aide those. That were predestined to read these words of Life giving waters.

That refreshes the "Eternal Soul" within each of you.

Whom have been given the gift of Reincarnation to Complete/Finish your Life Assignments. Living again by way of your bloodline. Within your children children. On probation here. Not allowed to enter Heaven Gates. Due to many not passing the Test within the school of life. Growing in Spiritually. As Jesus Christ did. When he also attended this School of life. Teaching to Obey the Laws of morality (Exodus 20) and Statues (Exodus 20).

Remember, he told you, "This is not your home."

The Kingdom of God lives within you.

You have 7 power Centers (POWERPOINTS/7 Levels of Heaven/Some call them 7chakras/7 Power Grids/A 7 Step Jacob's Ladder 🧬 within you) that leads to you thinking at the Most High Vibration of Christ Consciousness). There are people in your life that are handless and gatekeepers that are assigned to you. By the enemy to keep you from ever spiritually growing up into the consciousness of Christ. Keeping you stunted and growth and spiritually immature. Being reincarnated back into the school of life through your children's children. Starting from the basics where you left off.

You must climb the 7 steps (do you know a standard letter has seven steps with the top being the highest & final step to reach your destination) of the Jacob's Ladder 🪜 🧬 within you. To the kingdom of God within you. Where you no longer think at the Lowest Vibration (representing the bottom root of the Ladder- Receiving "Only" the B-asic I-nstructions B-efore L-eaving L-ife written in the Bible).

However, never going up that Ladder of success to GRADUATE (EXPERIENCE ASCENSION TO EVERLASTING LIFE IN HEAVEN) AS CHRIST DID. When he said, It is FINISHED/Complete."

He Completed (FINISHED) his assignment. Passed the Spirtual SAT TEST. Like one that graduates high school or different grade levels to receive a HIGHER LEVEL of teaching. Attending different classes of life that. Done may attend College for Higher learning. Like the heavenly saints. That are reincarnated back into life becoming the Master Teachers of their generations. Returning back to higher degrees of learning. Like one that graduates from college with Master and Doctoral degrees. Attending the school of life again. Taught lessons administered by different teachers within this school of life. What it's many different electives extracurricular activities outside of your learning experience. Remember, the classroom does not consist of just four walls. Nor, does its teachers only reside within the school institutions that many attend. When wanting a Higher learning. This is the same idea and concept concerning spiritual things. Matters of the Spiritual Realm (World). In the Kingdom of your "Righteous" Divine Masculine Heavenly Father and Divine Feminine Heavenly Mother (Whom many know as the Holy Spirit/Ruach Ha'Kodesh/Proverbs 8 Motherly Wisdom of Children born into this Earthly Kingdom). They must prove themselves. Earning merits. Which many fell in this area because of the deceit and assignments of satan. Given to the many handlers and gatekeepers. Whom assignments are to keep you out of the Gates of Heaven. At the base of the ladder. Jacob's Ladder Within you.. condemning you to never climb up those seven 7 steps to the kingdom of God living within you.

Point of Reference: When everyone is taken from your life or when you start to delete people from your life to go in isolation. As Christ did when he was taken on the amount to be tried while he fasted 40 days. This is in order to elevate you spiritually. To speak to you. To get you away from those that are assigned as handlers and gatekeepers in your life. To keep you focus on distractions of this life. It's like one that attend school and have a friend that encourage him to skip classes. Taking that child off its course. And which the father and mother is upset. Counseling their son or daughter to obey their instructions and the instructions of their teachers. Not to skip school nor their classes neither to drop out of school. To finish their courses of studies. So they can graduate the 12th grade and received the diplomas completion of studies (THE BASIC STUDIES THAT ONE NEEDS BEFORE GOING INTO THE GENERAL POPULATION WHERE THEY ARE EXPECTED TO ELEVATE IN LIFE ALSO KNOWING THE LAWS THAT GOVERNS THE LAND. EXPECTED OF THEM. WHOM ARE TAUGHT BY THEIR FATHERS AND MOTHERS THE LAWS OF MORALITY. AS CHRIST WAS ALSO TAUGHT THESE LAWS BY HIS PARENTS. BEFORE HE ATTENDED THE SCHOOL AND COUNCIL OF THE ELDERS. WHEN HE WAS TAKEN INTO THE TEMPLE TO LEARN BECOMING AN UNDERSTUDY/PUPIL/STUDENT OF THE LEARNED ELDER TEACHERS OF HIS TIME HERE IN THIS EARTHLY KINGDOM.

E.g (Example Given) many people primarily males think with their lower head. Instead of thinking with their higher head. In order to operate in the "Highest Vibration" of Christ consciousness. He was raised up to Spiritual Maturity by our Divinve Feminine Heavenly Mother (represented by the Holy Spirit which is her Motherly Spirit written in Proverbs 8). That he may not only be made in the image of the heavenly father. He also operated in the perfect image of the Righteous Divine Masculine Heavenly Father. In characteristics (12/Fruits of the spirit) and Anointing (The Personality of The Heavenly Father yoke destroying burden removing power).

This Earthly Kingdom (2nd Estate of our souls materialize in vessels of flesh) on Probation. In hopes that you may one day be permitted to return back into the Kingdom of Heaven (1st Estate of our souls).

I've other rounds to make. May Our Heavenly Parents bless and send people into your life to encourage Spiritual Growth within you. That takes up to the straight and narrow path of Christ.

Don't forget your teaching:

For it is written: Proverbs 3:1

My son, do not forget my teaching, But have your heart comply with my commandments (Exodus 20 Law);

It is written:

Study to show yourself approved. A worker (student in the school of life & The Courses of life) needing not to be ashamed rightly dividing the word of Truth.

The humble Messenger serving you this day:

(LDS) Latter Day Saint, Daughter of The Most High El Elyons, Servant of all.

I will now take my leave.

Using voice command in between typing. I apologize for the typos in advance.



Verse 35 the word “ingather, ” is the self awareness of your own light. Once you are “aware, ” then in your light frequency you transform from physical to light. You become light (spiritual).


Excellent class, Coach! 😎
(And Stacey, of course! 🥰)
Very well articulated!
These are difficult concepts and y’all teach them, well!

All Matter is Light, slowed down from Light Speed, to a low vibrational frequency. Meaning EVERYTHING is Light, existing at different densities, dependent upon the frequency of vibration. Since there are frequencies of Light which exist OUTSIDE of the visible spectrum… we can conclude that there are beings, which exist in these spectrums, unseen by the human eye 😎 that’s why the Bible is about FAITH in the unseen. 6th sense type stuff. Something we FEEL.

As far as building the kingdom… it’s harder to do, without people on the same page. Jesus said he went to build a kingdom FOR us, so I don’t think it’s about building, as much as it is bringing people to the kingdom that is already prepared.

That being said… I think (personally) that there is going to be a gathering together of the chosen, so they may be made an example, to the rest of the world…

Have y’all seen the Atlas Shrugged Trilogy??? 👀😎


I share and leave comments while living in this world and I know what Ive tried to do and I still am even though my wife left and took my son been awhile since I seen them but I ask the father for strength cause his will shall be done it's written I don't truly know someone else life I know where I come from though 43 years on this earth trying survive all the chaos 1 person trying to figure out the right way to live while not judging another


Thank you Coach and Stacy. I hope all is well.♥️🙏♥️🌹
Also Coach I sent you a video it talks about B12, B12 has CYANIDE in it please stop your family and friends from taking this.


But now I feel I have more people around me now yet I'm still alone in flesh but hasn't enough life been lost or taken shalom family


Don't be scared be prepared! I heard it many time even past times times half of time. I get it I get it now. Thx so much. 💜 if they don't do they jobs mission how ever. There's a place for that. Least I saw it 3 days was enough torture. Unprofitable servant= outerdarkness


This survival period is the pretribulation period before the 7th Seal is opened for 7 Plague are Opened by 7 angels. Looks like these will be the period 144, 000 sealed individual are those that have seen or met Orphanim and Adam Kadmon heirachy beings by acquaintance. We need to get ready cause there are no way to qualify by works but by spiritual consciousness and growth as evolutions progress to higher level dimensional conscience consciousness.


Beloved Coach you are already doing this by sharing the light with us which we are feeding on your light evolution and hopefully there are many more God will seal or appoint for the pretribulation period. God bless I am truly blessed with all that you are bringin6out. God bless.


Our Lord is the light and the light of the Lord within ourselves is seen by his light workers. Our Internal light is in our heart and chakras and our external light colours are in our aura . 🙏


I no longer see darkness but flight that looks like atoms lite up a bit like clouds or a fog of light mixed with darkness spots this light is bgetting brighter


No wonder, Jesus reminded us the 2 elements of Light that governs the TEN COMMANDMENTS OF MOSES by saying LOVE YOUR GOD WITH ALL YOUR HEART, SOUL AND SPIRIT AND LOVE YOUR NEIGHBOUR AS YOU LOVE YOURSELF. Indeed it is revealed now on this appointed day, time and year through His appointed vessels. Shalom Coach and family.


Bad stuff been happening so I ask to be guided by those Angels all the holy host if it be the father's will cause I have always felt alone on earth and so I'm alone in the flesh but not in reality


Be love and light and brighter life we shall have praise our father even though the heartache and pain we cause to ourselves and others and others to us


PSALM 9:19
PSALM 10:12
PSALM 112 :4
LUKE 15:18.

1 KINGS 18:44
