How To Lower ALT SGPT Levels Quickly In (Urdu Hindi) Sgpt ALT Kam Karne Ka Tarika | Irfan Azeem |

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How To Lower ALT SGPT Levels Quickly In (Urdu Hindi) Sgpt ALT Kam Karne Ka Tarika | Irfan Azeem |

In this video we discuss about alt sgpt levels how to lower alt sgpt levels quickly by naturally with diet ( sgpt alt kam karne ka tarika ) Serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase (SGPT) now called Alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and SGOT is a liver enzyme that is vital for energy production. It is mainly concentrated in the liver and kidneys . When the liver is damaged SGPT leaks out of the cells and into your blood. Normal SGPT level ranges from 0 to 40units per liter of blood. High levels of SGPT (or ALT) in the blood may indicate liver problems and damage but they may also be elevated due to strenuous activity.

How to reduce serum sgot and sgpt level 1• Stop drinking alcoholic beverages. Alcohol is very harmful to the liver and with prolonged drinking can shut the liver down entirely. When alcohol is ingested it goes directly to the bloodstream.
2• Get daily exercise. 
Simple exercises such as brisk walking jogging and swimming can improve your overall health in addition to helping your liver stay healthy. Staying active excretes toxins in the body through sweating
3• Avoid foods high in fat. 
Fatty foods make it hard for the liver to process nutrients in general. Some fat in the liver is normal but if your liver is more than 5% fat you have a condition called "fatty liver" disease.
4• Eat a nutrient-rich plant-based diet.
Eating organic foods helps regulate the liver allowing it to cleanse itself of toxins and create new cells to stop the leakage of SGPT into the blood. These foods are often rich in antioxidants vitamins and minerals
5•Avoid foods high in fat. 
Fatty foods make it hard for the liver to process nutrients in general.
6• Work on losing weight if you are overweight or obese. If you struggle with weight issues you may be at risk of developing fatty liver which can lead to elevat
6• Prevent exposure to other harmful chemicals
7• Stop taking over-the-counter drugs. If your liver is already damaged and you continue to take drugs that your physician did not prescribe
8•Get more vitamin D. 
A damaged liver allows SGPT to seep into the blood.According to a recent study vitamin D prevents liver damage which aids in reducing SGPT level for more details watch the full video and don't forget to like comment and share this video

In this video Topic Cover :-
how to lower alt sgpt levels quickly in (urdu hindi)
how to lower sgpt level fast
alt jaldi kam karne ka tarika
sgpt test in hindi urdu
alt kaise kam karen
alt sgpt diet plan
alt sgpt normal range
alt blood test
lft blood test
liver function test
high alt ko Kaise kaam karen
how to lower alt levels
how to lower sgot and sgpt levels naturally
how can i lower my alt levels quickly
liver function test in hindi
when to worry about alt levels
how to lower alt and ast levels naturally
sgot sgpt test in hindi
how to reduce alt level quickly
sgpt test
how long does it take to lower ast and alt levels
how to lower alt liver enzyme

Any information on diseases and treatment available at this channel is intended for general guidance only and must never be considered a substitute for advice provided by a doctor or other qualified healthcare professional
Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health care professional with questions you may have regarding your medical condition.
always consult your doctor before taking any medications
Thanks stay healthy

#ALTSGPT #LowerALTSGPT #ReduceSGPTQuickly #althigh #sgpthigh #SgptALTKamKarne #ALTDiet #irfanazeem
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❤جزاک اللّٰہ خیرا ۔ بہت سادہ آسان اردو زبان میں سمجھایا ہے ۔ بعض ڈاکٹرز تو زیادہ انگلش کے الفاظ استعمال کرتے ہیں ، اپنے آپ کو بہت سمجھدار ظاہر کرنے کیلئے لیکن اس کا کوئ فائدہ نہیں لوگوں کو ۔ اللّٰہ تعالیٰ آپ کو خوش رکھے ❤


Sir mujh apki information bhut Achi lgti, bhuttt achy sy smjhaty


جزاک اللہ سر شکریہ ۔
میرا alt بڑھا ہوا ہے میں کافی پریشان تھا آپ کی وڈیو سے کافی مدد ملی اللہ آپ جزائے خیر عطا فرمائے آمین ۔


Bahut zabardast sir g nice mera Alt ziada h apki vedio sy bahut hosla hoa


Jiska bhi AST aur ALT boht bara hua hai, wo sab se pehle Hepatitis A, C, D aur E ka test krwaen. Mera 1800 ALT pohnch gaya tha, end me pata chala k mujhe Hepatitis C hogaya tha!


Bhai mujay kisi nain kaha app detox water yeh wala use karain din bhar( 1 lemon + 1 cucumber + 1 Chokandar + 1 chota sa piece adrak ) en sab ko raat ko ek matti k jug main.bhego dain aur aglay din poora din peete rahen.


Ap nay bohat kamal ke video bnai ha thank you


Sir Sgpt me centrum energy tablet used kar skta hay


Sir alt ko control krne k Liye hipamarz seyrap use kr skty hein


Aslamu Alikum Sir.
mera ALT 60 U/L ha or AST 44 U/L ha es k liye kon c diet lon.
Or ye range kitni ziada ha?
Please guide me


But sir fish to garm hoti he jigar ke lie or supplemet b like seamega fiahoil caps


Zabardast zabardast zabardast zabardast


Aslamualaikum dr sb hope you are fine.I have a question that if a person is suffering from fatty liver but weight =165-100=65 then what to do?How can he or she take coffee due to this gerd is there too.What do you recommend as weight is ok.What about food intake.Also people recommend lemon but it makes gerd worse.Kindly guide thanks


Sir my little bro age is 14 year old and his Sgpt 148 SA 182 can we use diet for our bro plz


Sir MN bhi bht pareshan thi apki vdo sun k bht acha laga❤


Mera ALT 2464 tha janduce ki vjh s mukammal thndi use ki Sath hepamarz silver k sharbet sa alhumdullilah 15 dino m normal ho gya


Sir agar ALT test main 54 point ay to kesy km kr skte hai


Jazak Allah v informative clip thank you ❤


Age 33
Alt 133
Alkaline phosphate 194
Biliruban 0.7
Iss k baray bta dein


1..روانہ 10 یا 15 گلاس پانی 2۔۔2 کپ کافی بغیر شکر اور دودھ ۔۔3۔۔فولیٹ سبزیاں یا فولک ایسڈ 4۔۔اومیگا3۔۔5۔۔فائبر و سلاد ۔۔۔6۔۔46 منٹ ورزش ۔۔7۔۔صبح ننگے پاؤں گھاس پہ چلنا۔۔8۔۔بغیر چکنائی دھی کا استعمال ۔۔9۔۔مورنگا پاؤڈر کا سالن میں استعمال و مٹھائی کا کم استعمال ۔
