Why don't you TALK to that FAMILY member ANYMORE?

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That dad sounds like a textbook non-violent psychopath. Never did anything outright violent, but shows no empathy towards anyone and only sees people as tools.


if he threw you out before being 18 (unless in a state of 16 being an adult and age of consent) then that would be child negligence and emotional damages


I hope you got in touch with sister....you poor man.


"Mother" was always indifferent with me; even as a very young child I knew this but she'd brag we all was such a great and loving family despite her favoring my brothers (others could clearly tell) and my grandparents raising me but telling me my grandmother (the woman I actually call my Mother) doesn't actually love me, and always siding with my brothers even when the youngest who I don't talk to either after he posioned my husband and I by tampering with our food, toiletries, harassed us for years, harmed our dog and her ten puppies. That's just some of the things he has done and she couldn't care less yet protrayed the innocent and fair "mother" that was just dealing with her children having a small argument that will soon work out.


Never talk to my uncle but more on all my father side of the family, after he tried to take my father inheritance from me and my brother (me and my brother is like 5and 6) when my father passed away and its home that my father bought with his own money helped a little by my mother, people really do go crazy for money


You should have cut ties immediately that your father kicked you out not only did he ended up giving away your sister or your sibling and because of that your mom ended up dying because of sadness but he ended up kicking you out you should have never gone back


i hoped like the ending something like my dad lost everything and is homeless.


I have a mom I don't talk to anymore. I put up with verbal and physical abuse well into my 20's her gaslighting was so good that she had me convinced that I couldn't get my driver's license because it would make her insurance too expensive. the last time she hit me left me with a scarr on my arm. I moved into a friend's house the next day, saved for a year, and moved hours away. I tried letting her back in, but when she made it clear that i was not a priority, I washed my hands and blocked her. my siblings still contact her, but I refuse to do so.


I no longer talk to my granddad: I once was over his house and I was downstairs looking for something to eat and I saw this bowl of chicken that was in there so I asked him for it and he said I could have it so I grabbed a few pieces and went upstairs to eat and after checking my blood sugar (I’m diabetic) and giving myself insulin I was about to eat when my dad walked in the room and he was pissed apparently this chicken was in the fridge for weeks so it had a gone bad and I was about to injest it not knowing it was bad so he told me to throw it away and I moved in with my mom that next day so I no longer have reason to talk to him


I don't talk to my uncle last time i saw him was at a wedding. I don't talk to him because he had tl be bullied by my aunt and his daughter to call my mom, his sister after my dad died


inolonger speak to an in law over her self centered narcissistic behavior. always cornering me and berating me for things i had nothing to do with. threatening my” ruin” and other useless threats.
i, sure where she is living, the people think her whole family are terrible. her tails of woe…


I dunno bro it's equally bad to stay and abused 😂


I mean it is not his fault. He choose not to care. So yall cant blame the dad. I like the dad perspective. Cool dad 🗣️😈


Your father has a very good view on life, be like him.
