UNDERSTAND Medical Legal for EMTs

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What happens if you get sued as an EMS provider? How do you protect yourself as an EMS provider? I cover the key points in this medical, legal and ethics lesson for all EMS providers including: EMR, EMT, AEMT and Paramedics.

To give you a preview, here are just a few of the topics we'll be covering: Good Samaritan laws, consent, negligence, standard of care, and DNR orders. If any of these "medical-legal" terms ever gave you trouble, watch this video over and over again until you know them cold.

This way you will be ready for class, and ready to take your NREMT exam. A quick point, every level of provider should be prepared for these types of questions on test day it is a fundamental lesson of EMS education.

Be great,

Evan, The Paramedic Coach®

#emt #ems #nremt

Watch even more from The Paramedic Coach® here:

Рекомендации по теме

I’ve been watching this man for the past 8 weeks and i passed my Nremt yesterday on my first try ! I really appreciate your teaching and understanding sir !


Good thing you adressed this, very important and often overlooked topic. Thank you!


I have 1 more video to watch in your course and I’ll be taking my nremt the 10th omg wish me luck


Thank you for the refresher. I'm starting my position at a volunteer service in two weeks and it's only 4 guys (including me) for a county of 20k people, per shift. If I'm good enough and pass the required Wildland firefighter courses, I may get hired for a full time position.


Thanks so much, this video me out a lot


Thank you for addressing this info I appreciate it very much Evan 💪🏾😎💯


Here is a question you probably haven't come across often. If responding to a call in which the family member of the emt is a patient, is it OK to just ask your partner all the questions if you are responding to said call in which a family member of your emt partner is the patient?


Would you recommend “Emergency” the orange text book 11th edition for the National? How about pocket prep?


Does your course cover the orange text book? Does it cover the National?


Can you do a video on splinting broke limbs?


Today we had a long dispute about a question after the exam

The question is:
Q- While you were en route to hospital, your patient monitor showed no pulse, what is your immediate proper step:
A- 30 Compressions, 2 ventilations, shock if advice.
B- shock if advice, 30 compressions, ventilation 2 breaths.
C- 2 Ventilations, 30 compressions, only.
D- No need for compression, only ventilation.

What do you think the correct answer is?, And why?
