Want to start an IT Services company?

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Inspired by a reddit comment, let's tackle the question "what should you do if you're new to the space?"

I’ve done two videos that are super popular – “If I were to start an MSP”, and “Don’t Start an MSP”. The first is about the type of business I would start now, and the second about the challenges of the market as they exist now, that did not exist when I first started.

If I was starting something today.. how would I disrupt my competitors? How would I disrupt and displace those established providers? Rather than gatekeeping… how could I stand before the gates and tell the invading army how to take them down?

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I started an msp back in 2015. Been in IT for 15 years total. I started out very small. But I chose my clients that were a fit instead of just adding random environments that were not a fit for what I am offering as a service. You have to be a people person in order for organizations to have interest in you. I managed 6 very small businesses that had a small staff with basic needs. I found what worked and did not work with my customers. You learn client relations and you get to know the lingo of business process. You eventually find out that in this business, you need to know who your customer is and what they do in the market. You figure out how to maintain revolving doors
Of a business you're managing and eventually you adapt to it and learn. Years later, these 6 clients grew and they needed better IT support to
Support all the users and devices. They left, i learn, I repeat but prevent
Mistakes of last encounter. I eventually hired the right folks and growth started to show. Those 6 clients came back to me and we are now a thriving managed IT with over 40 clients.


Glad to see this video, 2 years into my IT Support business. 100% right. I'm young, digital native, used the old msp space to have something to be compared to, but created enough difference to not feel like one, making it harder to find a substitute.


So glad I ran into this video today! It certainly showed me a game-changing angle I wasn't seeing 🙌🏽🙌🏽 so thank you! 🎉


Dave I love your thought process. When describing the new tech biz I was totally in line with it, saying that’s me to every one. The traditional way of MSP needs to be changed to be relevant or get left behind.


I can’t wait to watch all of your videos


Great video. I am coming from the Enterprise world. I also have been working on implementing power automate and governance for our organization. This product can solve so many problems in SMB. I been really thinking about leaving the corporate world to start my own thing and your videos have inspired me to try something different. I think it's time.


Im glad I watched this, Ive been thinking about starting a MSP recently but had a weird feeling stuck in the back of my mind that wasn't what I really was looking for. Im 27 and have had a smart phone since I was in middle school. I feel that's given me a serious leg up when is comes to mobile device support.

I never really thought about retiring the old titles and creating new one to meet modern day business need on mobile. Maybe focusing on just mobile would be something that I could do to really differentiate myself in the market.

Thank you for provoking that thought!


Very good assessment and thought provoking discussion


thank you for sharing your knowledge, helps folks a lot!


Thank you sir! That's great insight and motivation.


Your awesome sir, you are right its Cloud services or nothing!


You blew me away. I am in South Africa.


As a cloud-first MSP this largely echoes my own feelings; however, RMM is also commoditized so it's pretty dirt cheap to have and it does presently fill in certain gaps to create great customer experiences, so I wouldn't say forego it per se, especially as you start to scale up, but you don't need to go with a particularly complex or expensive one. Conversely, if you were doing all Chromebooks/Android/iOS or something like that then, by all means, forego it.


Im just starting up right now I'd like to do network but not learned yet and love to. Right now I am offering computer repair, installation and cctv and running cables and basic networking


1) cloud failures happen a lot 2) privacy is nonexistent in the cloud
I think there is going to be a swing back to on-prem or at least hybrid


doing tech sence 89, thinking full stack development, now rethinking. Enjoy your perspective although I was doing that with Intuit, funny how I didn't think to do the same.


Agree or disagree! I agree!!
It’s about discussion and u read the comments great!
I came looking for info bc a friend of mine was talking about IT business!
I’m watching ur other vids now 😁
I would love future feedback so I’m just planting my seed meow for discussions 😸


Also I am in grad school for computer science and I am doing door to door sales to learn sales.

What type of sales would be best to learn for running an IT company?


Very constructive bro, what do you recommend me I'm a student with F1 vissa in USA and I wanna do some business as a part-time in IT


By cloud, do you mean AWS/Azure/Google cloud? And building a CRM inside of that? Or some how importing sales force into one of these clouds by using an API or something?
