Pastor Chuck Smith -- The Book of the Revelation of Jesus Christ - - Chapter 6

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Pastor Chuck Smith in this lesson unfolds the future events in the book of Revelation chapter 6, , outlining the sharp contrast of the destinies of believers and unbelievers based on their relationship with Jesus. He details the rise of the Antichrist, wars, famines, martyrdom, and cataclysmic events foretold in the opening of the seals. The lesson stresses the need to choose Christ, prepare for His return, to renounce darkness for the glorious future. Pastor Chuck concludes by inviting those uncertain to seek Jesus, emphasizing the significance of faith in Christ amidst impending tribulations.

MAY 2024

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May God Bless you and yours in Christ Jesus;
The - Pastor Chuck Smith Word For Today - Team

00:00 - The Lamb of God Chapter 6
00:18 - God's Will for the Church
01:54 - Preparing for the Coming of the Antichrist
14:11 - The First Four Seals
22:12 - John 7: Hard Way to Learn
35:38 - Wonders of the World: The Wrath of God
46:09 - God Prays for the Church
49:46 - Chuck’s Blessing
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Chuck Smith is the best teacher, I’ve heard in 50 years! I’m so thankful I’ve had the opportunity to be taught truth... There’s so much false teaching out there... it matters what your taught, because you live what you believe!


8-13-2024. Listening, yet again to Pastor Chuck’s insightful teaching!!
Thank you for uploading the “live” videos; Pastor Chuck’s smile is not to be missed.
(My precious Pastor in the 70’s) ✝️💜


So thankful for Chuck Smith, anointed teacher


I went to the supermarket today. This lady in front of me paid $275 for a half a basket of other than meat.

It was jaw dropping for me .


I can’t believe this message is over 22 years ago and he is 100 percent so thankful God used this man God bless him and his family


❤pastor Chuck is Awsome. I will C him w Jesus Christ ❤


Thank you Pastor Chuck watching from Pretoria South Africa.


I love Chuck Smith and I was a Calvary chapel guy for 20 years. But look at CA, look at what dispensationalism did to CA?

CA is certainly not the salt of the earth after Chuck and Billy.

I got saved by a Baptist and went straight to Calvary Chapel, now I'm a new independent fundamental Baptist, albeit Jack. :)



You are the best ever pastor l 'v ever heard..After the Rapture the left behinds might take the mark of the beast and then they are finished.And those who dont take will be killed. When Our Saviour Jesus Christ will come on earth from Heaven whom will HE rule ? The 144000 lsraelies (12000) from each tribe, only they will be alive and will be living on this earth. Please throw light on this. Thankyou.


I miss Pastor Chuck Smith ❤ I know he’s in heaven with Jesus ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤


Mid-Trib/Pre-Wrath is Chapters 6 & 7 WRATH (Great Tribulation) of God follows in the next 3 chapters of Revelation. The total 7 years are split into 2 three and one-half segments. The last 3½ years is when God's Wrath is poured out, the church is not appointed to Wrath (Thessalonians 5:8-10 - " 8 But let us, who are of the day, be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love; and for an helmet, the hope of salvation. 9 For God hath not appointed us to wrath, but to obtain salvation by our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us, that, whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with him." Revelation Ch 6 vs 17 is when God's Wrath is poured out)" 17 - for the great day of his wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand?"
Praise the Lord


Rev 6. The Rider on the White Horse has a Bow translates Simplest Fabric. Mask. Rider on the Red Horse has been given a SWORD translates CONTROVERSY. Takes away peace and cause men to kill one another. Rider on the Black Horse has a pair of balances translates FETTERS and SHACKLES. Pale Green Horse is riden by Death, and Hell follows. We are 4 years into the Great Tribulation. Make straight paths.


we gonna chapter 7 and great multitude before the 7th seal?

That doesn't fit with dispensationalism


So how many brides are there. One before the tribulation and one after.


"now Jesus is holding the scroll..."
Pastor Smith, I believe, if you study these scriptures in chapter 5, you will understand that Jesus got the scroll VERY shortly after He ascended, after sending Mary away. As soon as He got the book, He began right then (around AD 32) opening seals.

John got to see (in a vision out of his past) the moment Jesus entered the throne room, after his 30 some years of absence. He got to see Jesus get the book and begin opening the seals—NOT 2000 years later, but right then.

Jesus HAD to open that first seal, for that made it LEGAL for Him to send out the church with the gospel, into the devil's world.


First seal: "the moment the church is taken out of the earth..."
Pastor Smith, I believe you are 2000 years off on your timing. Jesus opened this first seal before the great commission, for this seal made it LEGAL for Him to send out the church into the devil's world.

You have missed the intent of the Author in chapters 4 & 5.
John saw the throne room with JESUS NOT SEEN. (God was showing John the throne room while Jesus was probably UNDER the of course He would not be seen in the throne room.)
John saw the Holy Spirit still there in the throne room. (Jesus said He would send Him down as soon as He ascended—so this is a vision of a time before Christ ascended.)

John watched a search for one worthy to take the book and open the seals, but that search FAILED. (NO man was found.) (John was watching a search that took place before Jesus rose from the dead. At that time He was NOT able to take the book and begin opening the seals.)

Then TIME PASSED as John wept much, and Jesus then rose from the dead. He was then found worthy in a subsequent search. Next, God showed John in the vision the moment Jesus entered the throne room, after being absent around 32 years. All this is to show us that Jesus took the book and began opening the seals as soon as He ascended.


Am I a simp for mewing to looksmaxx or is edging goated?


Sorry but once you accept Jesus as savior you are sealed ! Nothing you do can undo it ! In JESUS and his blood i am saved!


"In the fourth chapter of Revelation we enter into future events..."
Pastor Smith, this is a common belief, but it is just not what the scripture teaches. Chapters 4 and 5 go together to form the context and set the timing of the opening of the first seal. What many people miss is that this is a vision of John's past. God was giving John a history lesson.

Many people deny this even with its many proofs, because God spoke to John of future events. Did God show John events in the future? Yes, many events. What many people miss is, God did NOT tell John he would show John ONLY future events. There is no "only" there. In other words, God could have shown John a few events of the future and finished the book with recipes of manna, and would not have broken His word.

Many people pull the first seal out of its context of chapters 4 and 5 of Revelation. I will give a VERY brief outline of those two chapters.
Jesus was NOT seen at the right hand of the Father in Chapter 4. WHY?
Jesus was NOT found in that first search for one worthy to open the book. WHY?
The Holy Spirit was still in the throne room in chapter 4. WHY?

God wanted to introduce John to the BOOK sealed with seals, but He chose to begin the vision while He was still holding the book. Since Jesus took the book as soon as He ascended, somehow God had to show John and the readers that this was NOT a vision of the throne room of 95 AD, but rather, the throne room of the past. HOW did God do this?

John saw a throne room with God the Father on the throne, but Jesus NOT THERE at His right hand.

John saw the Holy Spirit there in the throne room, but remembered that Jesus said He would send Him down as soon as He ascended (showing John a time BEFORE Jesus ascended).

Then John watched a search to find a man worthy to open the book, but that search failed and John wrote, "no man was found." So TIME PASSED as John wept much. During the passing of time, something changed. Jesus prevailed over death, rose from the dead, and then was found worthy in a subsequent search.

The next think God showed to John in the vision was Jesus suddenly entering the throne room, probably right after He told Mary not to touch Him for he had not yet ascended. He immediately sent the Holy Spirit down, then took the book from the hand of the Father. WHAT TIME WAS IT? When did Jesus ascend back to His throne? Somewhere around AD 32. Therefore, IN CONTEXT, seal one must represent something righteous and worthy on the earth around AD 32.

The only thing on earth righteous (the color white) at that time was the church. And that was when Jesus said, "all power is given unto me: GO..." and He sent the church out with the gospel. In truth, Jesus could not send the church out LEGALLY until He rose from the dead and opened that first seal. the opening of the seal make it LEGAL for Jesus to send the church out into Satan's world.

One of God's goals is to get that 7th trumpet sounded, so He can then legally kick Satan off his throne and take away his wings. But before any trumpet can sound, Jesus must open EVERY seal.

Seals 2, 3, and 4 make it legal for Satan to use wars, famines, and death by pestilences to try and hold the advance of the gospel in the one fourth of the earth that God limited him to. Because the church took the gospel into the Devil's world, MARTYRS were killed.

Seal 5 is for the martyrs of the church age. The church has been waiting at the 5th seal for that FINAL church age martyr. The pre-tribulation RAPTURE will END the church age, the final martyr will be killed, and the DAY OF THE LORD will begin.


2nd Seal: "wars..."
Pastor Smith, IN CONTEXT, seals 2, 3, and 4 were all opened as soon as Jesus ascended and got the book into His hands. God has allowed the devil to use wars, famines and pestilences to try and hold the gospel in that ONE FOURTH of the earth, centered on Jerusalem where the gospel began. This one fourth would probably include Europe, the Middle East and Africa. In this one fourth of the earth, two world wars have come, countless famines, and many pestilences. Because the church was sent out into the devil's world, MARTYRS were killed.

The 5th seal is for the martyrs of the church age. This is confirmed simply because, if they were 70th week martyrs they would already know that judgment had begun. They were told that judgment would not begin until the FINAL martyr would be killed as they all were killed—as church age martyrs.

Therefore, the rapture must come AFTER the 5th seal, and BEFORE the 6th seal start of God's wrath.
