Apex Thunderjaw Boss Fight(Ultra Hard) | Horizon Forbidden West

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Man's shot the already detached canister in mid-air. Madlad!


After I FINALLY killed it (ive been trying to use purgewater and acid all 6 or 10 tries) (i also made sure to freeze it before picking up the disc launcher) i may have just beat it while it was dead cause I was so pissed off at it 😂


So just today, I decided to play Horizon Forbidden West, and at first, I was really enjoying my time with it, I got some really neat gear and even got to an interesting's story segment some cool moments here and there....

the the fight agents the Apex Thunderjaw, were knowing what I need to do, I was prepared, lost...no FUCKING TRIES! And that's due to the poor camera, the F-ing Chomp attach that this asshole just LOVE to spam, that broken as hell tail swap and just EVERY single bullshit about this segment and hust... AAAAGH FUCK THIS

So yeah....I went from REALLY enjoying Horizon Forbidden West....to littary wanting to throw my controller at the TV in rage because of the Apex Thunderjaw, and it was one of the worst gaming experiences I ever had. :(

I will admen that Horizon Forbidden West is a step up from Horizon Zero Dawn, I really do, but game DOES have its many design elements that can REALLY get under my skin (with this segment that I describe being such example), I just hope later segments are not going to be THIS infuriating.


there is narrow way leading to natural ramp. Machine is too big to get there and it can't fire properly. Just go there and keep shooting it while drinking your coffee


You got any tips I can use for my new game plus ultra hard run?


Мужик, ты пиздец как хорош
Ты ведь с пс играешь? Или с ПК?
Честно, не жду ответа, но было бы интересно поинтересоваться у тебя об улучшениях для оружия
