Are Heka and Hecate Related Deities?

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Is there any relation between the Greek Hekate and the Egyptian Heka?
Let's explore the history, mythology and etymology to find an answer based on academic literature, with Dr Angela Puca.



Meyer, M. W. (1999) Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power, Princeton University Press.
Tatomir, R. (2012) ‘Speaking the language of diversity. Heka and Mageia and their practitioners in late antiquity.’, Transdisciplinary Studies, vol. 2, pp. 117–130.
Wise, C. (2006) ‘Nyama and Heka: African concepts of the word’, Comparative Literature Studies, Penn State University Press, vol. 43, no. 1/2, pp. 19–38.

Bricault, L., Versluys, M. J., & Meyboom, P. G. P. (2007). Nile into Tiber: Egypt in the Roman World. Proceedings of the IIIrd International Conference of Isis Studies. Brill.
Johnston, S. I. (1990). Hekate Soteira: A Study of Hekate's Roles in the Chaldean Oracles and Related Literature. Scholars Press.
Meeks, D., & Favard-Meeks, C. (1996). Daily Life of the Egyptian Gods. Cornell University Press.
Pinch, G. (2006). Egyptian Myth: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford University Press.
Von Rudloff, I. R. (1999). Hekate in Ancient Greek Religion. Horned Owl Publishing.


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⚠️ Copyright of Dr Angela Puca, in all of its parts ⚠️

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00:00 Introduction: Are Heka and Hekate related?
01:23 This video in response to viewer questions
01:51 The deities Heka and Hekate
02:29 The etymology of Heka
03:08 The etymology of Hekate
03:58 A surprising academic paper
06:42 The mythological roles of both deities
07:44 The answer – are they related?
08:33 Summary
09:33 Support Angela’s Symposium
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I have always thought that the confusion comes in when we conflate the academic approximate pronunciation for the actual Egyptian word ḥkꜣ. The first letter was either a voiceless pharyngeal fricative or, less likely, a voiceless uvular fricative and the last letter is the Egyptian aleph (the vulture sign in Plene scriptum spelling - 𓄿, not to be confused with Semitic א) whose value was perhaps something akin to either ʔ or perhaps ɹ. In any case, taken together, Ἑκάτη and ḥkꜣ just don't sound much alike at all when considering their historical pronunciation which shouldn't be surprising considering that one is an Indo-European language (which just lacks 2 out of the 3 phonemes that make up the word "ḥkꜣ") and the other is an Afro-Asiatic language. It's a case of phonological false friends based on a conventional pronunciation used in Egyptology.


🔦 I have no academic opinion on Hecate vs. Heka. Just expressing my appreciation of the subject, particularly Hecate. Every day as I go to work I say a general prayer to have a good day and I finish just as I cross an underpass, ie doorway. Hecate always crosses my mind as I do this.


🌑🔦🕯 Here is a Dark Moon for Hecate, and a torch of agreement with your statement, and a candle of hope for the future of magical studies and more importantly, magical progress in the evolution of human consciousness.
As a devotee of Hecate, and a student of ancient Egyptian lore and religion, I came to the conclusion years ago that the Egyptian term for magic and the name of my beloved goddess must be interconnected at some level. The world that encompassed ancient Greek culture and the much more vast panoply of ancient Egyptian culture was a relatively small world, and scholars and adepts from both regions often visited their trans-Mediterranean neighbors throughout the eons in which they coexisted.
I am pleased and grateful that somebody of your academic prowess, with your connections to data and scholarship unknown to the vulgar masses, has chosen to investigate this possible connection in a rigorous and serious frame of mind. Thank you.
Though I do respect the veracity of your findings, I believe that there is simply a lack of documented and officially recognized information bridging the gap, and I do not think that a simple lack of intact documentation is proof that no connection exists. Remember, as I am sure you do, the tremendous amount of book-burning and library-destroying activities indulged in by the Christian zealots.
If I am not mistaken, Hecate's cult of worship predates the cult of the Olympian Gods by untold ages. I believe that Hecate was such a powerful and respected deity that no amount of Zeus' thunderbolts could erase her presence. She became part of the Greek pantheon because she could not be ignored or destroyed. In a similar fashion, the worship of Isis could not be completely eradicated by the combined misogyny of both the Christian and Islamic forces, and she remains a relevant figure to the devout to this very day.
Whether we ever succeed in unearthing scholarly "proof" of the connection between the name of original Egyptian magic and the name of our mighty Hecate or not, I think that the similarity in nomenclature is too apposite to be a mere coincidence. Also, if you want real certainty on this matter, just do what I have done. Ask her.
Hecate, or as I prefer to spell her name, HeKate, is very much alive and well, and she is most agreeable to answering questions. She tells me that in the times before humanity became infatuated with the cult of materialism, Heka, or awareness that bends and shapes creation, is creation, was the most important of all powers and skills to understand. She was with us then, in that glorious scented twilight of long, long ago, and she is with us now, in this desecrated and mechanized atrocity that we laughably call the "enlightened modern world."
Ask her anything you like. She always speaks the truth. True gods have no use for lies.
I apologize now for my rambling comment. I did not intend to take up so much space with my words. I love your channel, and I wish you all the best. Be well, and be blessed! --N


🔦 I think a more in-depth study of Hecate would be very helpful! I really enjoy being a seeker! I wish I could do more, but as a disabled US Veteran I live on a limited budget. You are an inspiration to me and my magical path thank you.


Maybe Hekate is more related to the Goddess Heqet, the frog headed goddess that represents transformation and the goddess of life, childbirth, and protection. I don't know they are one and the same or just different manifestation of same energy/consciousness. If you check the list of Hekate's Epithets, there is "Phroune" (she-frog) that indicates Hekate's role as godess of transformation and initiation. As Hekate Phroune, she guides the witches get through the murkiness of watery abyss for initiation and help them emerge as new indivdual


This was fascinating! Would you ever consider doing research on seeing the relationship between the norse goddesses Freyja and Frigga? 🤔 I’m very intrigued. Great video btw!


I am fond of Hecate. I have a big tattoo of her and her hounds on my thigh. I find her to be a powerful ally when facing chthonic (in the Jungian sense) trials in life.

Plz do a vid on Baron Samedi 🙏 He is a favorite of mine


i left this question on a short a while back but never expected a response from Angela herself, much less a video response!!! 🔦


Artemis is often identified with Hekate, and is sometimes given the epithet ἑκάτη (hekate, far-shooting/working), though less often than her brother Apollo is given the same epithet (ἕκατος). They also both share the epithets hekaergos (ἑκάεργος, far-working) and hekatebolos (ἑκατηβόλος, far-darting/shooting, hitting the target at will).


I think that a further work/video regarding Heka's consort, (WERETHEKAU) would definitely give a much different understanding, at least, in regards to HEKA himself and his role as Kher Heb and also functioning as Sem priest. Regardless if Heka and hekate are related entities, the fact remains that Heka and Werethekau pre-exist any Greek assimilations made or adapted further in the historical timelines..And that is Hugely important to me and my own Heka...❤🖤🌞♓️


Great video answering a great question Dr. Puca.

While I've never been one to take Bernal seriously, the problem with the whole heka-deka thing proposed by Bernal is that it doesn't account for all the variation across the proto-Indo-European language tree (proto-Italic has 'dekem, ' Sanskrit has 'daśa, ' and even Gothic has 'taihun' which is like our English 'ten' but contains the 'hu' which would be the equivalent part to the Egyptian 'ka'). Does Bernal think Sanskrit, Proto-Italic, Gothic, etc. are all also derivative of Egyptian in some way? (and does Bernal even believe P-I-E is a thing?)

(also, how the word Heka could in any way be the etymological precursor to the Greco-Persian 'mageia' is entirely beyond me; was there more about this link?)


This sort of thing happens in Norse mythology with "Hel" vs. "Hell", where the names/sounds/titles of a character are eerily similar, but not much else. Although, it is interesting that so many Western cultures from the Norse to the Egyptians and Greeks all associated "magic" with being intrinsically "Feminine" (She's a witch!) vs. the Eastern variants which seemed to focus more on male "Magi", Priests, Diviners, Prophets, etc....and you see very little overlap. It tends to either be the domain of one sex, or the other, rather than something that anyone can/should be able to do. Cheers!


Thanks for shedding some light on this question, I've been wondering this myself. 🔦


Hey thanks for doing this Dr Puca, I did wonder.


very thorough and interesting as always❤️❤️


Many thanks for all your worK on these presentations Dr Puca. Empiritcally responsible scholarship is VERY welcome in the noisy and often baseslessly assertive world of Youtube. :)


such an amazing video! Thanks Dr. Puca


Thank You..! Very Insightful and informative.🌹 For now, The Case to me is inconclusive. [I still think there's a connection!..]🤗 Well Done! Bravo!👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾🤘🏾


super interesting! To me they both seem like some kind of primordial personification of magic and the unknown, and could have totally been linked in some way or another, especially considering how close the 2 cultures were geographically


Good video Ms Puca. I think that often the wishes of our hearts to try to piece things together with what we know. But life and time is so vast. Our limited knowledge can’t comprehend the vastness of the Heka.
