The founders of Kodokan Judo and Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu

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Teaching methodology already existed, it was called NeWaza of Kodokan Judo.

Then there is Kosen Judo which was the first branch of Judo to deal almost exclusively on ground grappling.


Kano always had a teaching methodology. I have respect for all legends, but BJJ and judo are one family.


A teaching methodology that they stole from Judo and Japanese Jujutsu


Bjj is literally just making a ton of moves that don’t work at high levels. What works are the same 10-20 submissions that judo uses


Please dont EVER mention or ever “put” Judo close or even the same level of BJJ, y’all are nothing but a stolen art and Kimura already Showed the world which is king


Purple belt in Bjj
But a dan grade judoka. I can assure you Bjj comes from Judo


What is he talking about? BJJ comes 1:1 from Kosen Judo, and Helio Gracie was taught a lesson in it by Masahiko Kimura.


For all of you guys hating on the Gracies for creating nothing or that BJJ is just short for Basically Just Judo then by that logic Judo is basically just classical japanese Jujutsu. Pretty much all grappling oriented martial arts have the same techniques, but the way they're implemented or why they are implemented are completely different. A BJJ guy who knows the single leg takedown is probably going to do it differently than a wrestler due to the risk of chokes. But then again most jiu jitsu guys train for the sport and the sport doesnt really call for learning takedowns.


Many paths to the same destination, grandmaster HELIO & CARLOS simply gave you the one with least resistance, be thankful or use brute strength, but remember everyone gets tire and it's a long trip. Thank you my heroes ❤️


While i acknowledge the issues with the gracies, they def founded bjj. Also to be fair the usa judo revival is thanks to bjj blowing up ultimately.


Gracie "We're going to focus only on the newaza of Judo, make tons of money with our own belt system and pretend we came up with it"

Student "Teach me your ways master"

Gracie, "In good time, Brazilian time"

*Ten years pass still stuck at Blue belt with fourteen stripes total cost college degree can't change clubs due to blood sacrifice*


Long time Wait for this **true voice**
Thank you professor 🙏


In the 1980s, Rio de Janeiro residents plagiarized several brands in an unbridled manner, simply copying and presenting them to the public as if they were their own. Famous examples include Redley, OP (Ocean Pacific), among others.

In the world of ju-jutsu, the situation was no different.

One of the most scandalous cases was that of Raul Seixas, who translated foreign songs and released them in Brazil. Many consider him a genius for his creativity, even though some of his songs were versions of others. Like him, other artists also made adaptations, such as the group Blitz, which brought new interpretations of international songs.

The 1980s were undoubtedly marked by this intense mix of influences, where plagiarism and interpretation intertwined in a unique way in Brazilian culture.

We called it """CARIOCA ADVERTISING-171cp"""


That's the honestly and short explanation I had in my entire life about bjj


Nah. I train BJJ, and even then, the thing that the Gracies deserve credit for is spreading BJJ worldwide and making submission game popular in the west again.


Nos anos 80, os cariocas plagiaram várias marcas de forma desenfreada, simplesmente copiando e apresentando-as ao público como se fossem suas. Exemplos famosos incluem Redley, OP (Ocean Pacific) dentre outras.

No mundo do ju-jutsu, a situação não foi diferente.

Um dos casos mais escandalosos foi o de Raul Seixas, que traduzia músicas estrangeiras e lançava-as no Brasil. Muitos o consideram um gênio por sua criatividade, mesmo que algumas de suas canções fossem versões de outras. Assim como ele, outros artistas também fizeram adaptacões, como o grupo Blitz, que trouxe novas interpretações de músicas internacionais.

A década de 80 foi, sem dúvida, marcada por essa mistura intensa de influências, onde o plágio e a interpretação se entrelaçaram de maneira única na cultura brasileira.

Chamávamos isso de


Bjj is Kosenjudo
And Kosenjudo is better.
Bjj is just a copy


Fandango Jujutsu has the closest interpretation of the original.method


These brazilians are off their heads. Its all Judo.


Wow. So Judo uses BJJ teaching methodology? That’s Nuts the Brazilians didn’t even know what Judo was before Judo was introduced to them by how can you sit there with a straight face and say that I think this Sensei is either ignorant or Totally out touch with history I wish BJJ instructors would not give interviews like this know your martial Arts history and limitations and it’s history your students will thank you for it the more facts they know the better.

I hate it when a high profile athlete comes out looking to better themselves with falling and BJJ who never ever trains Ukemi in their Dojo all of sudden Jumps on Judo specialty of Ukemi bandwagon but after you read this will say we do this all the time okay right. Just so you know I am speaking for a lot
Of voices it’s really ridiculous.

Pensacola Judo Training

US Marine Corps (rRet)
